Saturday, October 1, 2016

China : explosion of a Galaxy Note 7 Samsung –

A user in china of a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has stated that his Smartphone had exploded. A new blast in addition to the scandal of the recall global, which has previously touched the giant south Korean.

The explosion of a Samsung Galaxy Note 7

The asian market Samsung Galaxy Note 7 could be threatened by this new concern. In fact, a user of china said Tuesday, September 27 that his Smartphone had exploded, revealing a new concern potential battery for the flagship product of the giant south Korean. According to the latter, the batteries that come from the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 from several suppliers. The giant south Korean company, therefore, has not been able to clearly identify the manufacturer of the batteries failed.

However, he stated his intention to appeal to a different provider for the chinese market. As a reminder, the sales have not yet been suspended on this part of the world, like North America, which has stopped the flow of the Galaxy Note 7 on its territory.

Repayment of a Smartphone damaged

A user chinese, with his family name Now, said that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, bought Saturday, 24 September, has exploded the next day. The blast has even burnt his laptop which was in the vicinity. A video shows a Smartphone-melting, connected to a USB cable. The giant south Korean would have offered a refund to Mr. Hui, on the condition that it returns the Galaxy Note 7 damaged.

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