Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Excluded : Samsung France announces to the customers, disabling … –

Samsung will turn off the Galaxy Note 7 non-rendered by its French customers ? In a telephone conversation recorded on Tuesday, October 18, and that was able to obtain, an employee of the after-sales service of Samsung France announces clearly to one of the owners : “We inform you that as a precautionary measure, your Note 7 will be made inactive in all the operators in the next days “.

This information, an employee of Samsung learns it at the same time as the client. Then she would check with her manager, she comes back online saying to him : “ It taught me something, I have a little paper that tells us it , setting then the measurement taken by Samsung France.

” I accept the risk of owning a Note 7 “

I made the round trip to Switzerland to buy a model dual SIM of the Galaxy Note 7, we explained to David Balme, the author of the recorded conversation, which resides in the paris region. in This is the second version of the Galaxy Note 7 “, we have-t-he assured, taking as collateral the logo of battery green, a characteristic of these models. A version that is, however, also recalled by Samsung and that has been accidents, notably in the United States.

Instructor in fire prevention, David Balme is aware of the problems of combustion of the lithium-ion batteries : “I am quite happy with my Note 7 I wish to retain. I accept the risk, this is also why I don’t use, for example, not the quick charger. I have seen no heater abnormal of the smartphone since the I has “.

Samsung has the right to disable a remote camera ?

In the recording of his conversation with the customer service, it invokes an article of the consumer code, which allows the owner of a defective property of the store. For the lawyer specialized in the technologies Alain Bensoussan, the text of the law does not hold here : “The security overrides the property in this kind of cases, he says to in However, it would be necessary that this principle of remote disablement is transparent and specified in the terms and conditions of use of the smartphone “.

It is a balance of interest, he continues. Il there is no solution that is completely black or white. The client cannot ignore the fact that he is in danger and that it is better not to use your smartphone “. In this case, it could then keep the smartphone, but without continue to use it, turning it de facto into a museum piece. “for example, One can defend the same principle in robotics, with the addition of an emergency stop button on the robot, to stop them if they endanger a human life “.

Samsung does not confirm

Even if Samsung France seems to be in its right, the company has not been able to confirm that a campaign of deactivation will be launched. “Samsung is exploring all options to make the return of the devices and contribute to the safety and security of its customers “, has shown us the mark. It recommends, therefore, always turn off the unit and contact customer service for a refund or exchange of the device.

Shot of the bluff to retrieve all of the smartphones in circulation ? The twine would be great for a brand now in lack of confidence on the part of its customers.


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