Friday, October 7, 2016

Are you beautiful ? A I. A. a note of your appearance | –

By scanning a simple picture, this artificial intelligence is able to note the beauty of a face with a score from 1 to 5. You can test your charm by going on the platform Deeplooks and by uploading a photo of you.

also read : A bar reserved for “beautiful” in Los Angeles

multiple applications for the AI

It is known that the algorithm developed by teams of designers and engineers of the Party are based on different types of beauty in different parts of the world. But apart from that, the mystery remains whole, and as specified by the agency itself, the score that is displayed is “not to be taken too seriously”. In effect, the IA is based on parameters that were provided by humans, therefore, necessarily subjective. Thus, previous AI of the same type had attracted criticism, as in September last, when the virtual jury of a beauty contest had excluded all the candidates of color.

In developing this AI, named “Deeplooks” teams of Party concentrate primarily on other applications. She might as well help her choose her glasses, to watch her makeup or her health depending on the condition of his skin, or even to analyze the personality of someone from his facial features.


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