Saturday, October 29, 2016

Aix : resto-U, a good note for the plate of the student – Provence

That mange-t-on at the university restaurant ? Is this is good ? Balanced ? And at what price ?

To find out, we have done the test, during three days, the all-new resto U of the faculty of Law at Aix, open Monday to Saturday, and submitted the menu to Carole Baker, dietician at Eguilles, to get his opinion on the nutritional plan.

First day, Monday, 12: 30 pm. Without the tail, I take my tray and observed. Everything is self-service. For the inputs, a sort of salad bar is offered with a choice of grated carrots, green salad, lentils, and pasta salad. Not too much a fan of veggies, I try the pasta salad. For dishes, I have the choice between fish or sautéed veal with rice, a steak and chips or a pizza four cheeses. I opt for the sautéed veal. Vegetables (green beans and zucchini) are also offered as self-service.

Finally, for dessert, the choice is wide : yoghurts, compotes, custards, cream dessert, apple pie, chocolate mousse, fromage blanc with red fruits… I try this last. It is now necessary to proceed to checkout : now to adjust to the resto U should do it with his student card, preloaded on the internet with the system Izly integrated (from 5€). The rate is calculated with a point system : the base tray, with the entrance-flat-dessert is at 3.25€, which is six points (four for the dish, two for the rest). If we take a dessert more developed (élcair, pie terrace or meringue…), or a pizza instead of the flat, it is a plus point, to 60 cents.

the bread and water are free, sodas are on sale. To install, the new resto U college of Law is great, but quickly filled : few free tables. The level of the taste, nothing special, but everything is rather good, and the unbeatable price-quality ratio with the external supply.

“We can make a balanced meal every time”

the Second day, 13: 20. On this day in entrance you will always find the carrots and the pasta salad, but also beets and cucumbers. Nothing I want to do. Dish : skewers of beef or fish, with pasta, steak and fries, or quiche. I take the skewers. The desserts are almost identical, I’m trying the lemon meringue pie. The dish is just warm, but microwaves are available.

On the other hand, this lack of salt, I added with the small bags available. The meat is good, pasta is pretty bland. As for the pie, it is a little soft but good all the same.

Finally on the third day, I arrived around 13h, and it seems that a number of students have gone before me : it does not remain any more large-thing. Salad of chick peas or beans, carrots, and green salad as input. As a plate, roast knuckle of pork or fish, with pasta or French fries. I wanted a steak, so be it. I selected the roast and chips, and take a few zucchinis in the crisper, a yogurt with fruit for dessert. Not bad, but the chips remain on the stomach. Zucchini lack of taste.

What think the dietician ? the “there are a lot of choices and everyone can find : an athlete may be able to focus the starchy, someone of sedentary vegetables. You can make a balanced meal every time”.

And fries, pizzas, pastries ? the “It is necessary that it remains a casual, once a week for example, but it depends on his physical activity”, ” she says. If they abuse them ? the “there is a risk of overweight, or even, in the long term, diabetes”, says Carole Baker. She believes that it is normal to leave the choice “we are no longer in high school or college where we are forced, here the young people generally know what to eat, but it takes a certain desire”, concludes the dietician.


Not less than 900 000 equivalent meals were served in 2015 in the eight cafeterias and three restaurants universitaires d’aix, according to Crous, who has the management. Half of meal trays in the restaurants, the U, the other in equivalent in cafeterias (the total of their sales is brought back to the price of the meal at the resto U – 3,25€- to get an equivalent). This figure is slightly down compared to 2014, but the Crous explained by the closure for repairs of the Fenouillères for over a year. On 2015, the most active was the cafeteria of the faculty of Law. The new resto U that replaces it used in September, 700 meals per day on the part self, 1 000 equivalent meal on the part cafeteria. It is the most active of the period. As for the new restaurant of the Fenouillères, open at the back, it provides more than 1,000 meals

daily to the students of aix. In terms of capacity, the largest is that of the Gazelles, with 550 seats ; it is 380 for the faculty of Law. To ensure their operation, 70 people work in the establishment of aix.

What catering offer university in Aix ?

Aix provides three university restaurants, self-service full : the college of Law, one of the Gazelles (avenue Jules-Ferry), and the Fenouillères, next to the IUT.

In addition, there are eight student cafeterias are located on the various campuses of the city (fac of Letters, IAE, IUT, ESPE, Arts and crafts, Montperrin, avenue Jean Dalmas and fac Eco). Open from 7: 30 am, for those who want to take their breakfast, they offer instead of snacks, sweet and savoury : sandwiches, salads, paninis, pizzas, pastries… as Well as beverages, hot and cold. A space cafeteria is also present in the restaurants, the U.

Finally the offer is complemented by the Crouzzéria, pizzeria Crous, is open every evening next to the Gazelles. Coverage of the city fairly large, but there are still a few places academics lack a cafeteria or restaurant in the U, such as the space Forbin where an antenna of the fac of Eco is present. All are open for lunchtime, from Monday to Friday, the restaurant U Law school is also on Saturday. In the evening, only the Gazelle and the Crouzzéria are open from Sunday to Thursday.

This year, two key developments : the opening of the resto U Law school, which only had a cafeteria with a self but of reduced size, and the reopening of the Fenouillères. In the framework of the Campus plan. To the faculty of Law, more than a year of work was required at the opening of this restaurant in the U. It was built on the site of the parking staff and the amphitheatre Boulan, who was in the basement. It is a large building of grey and white, below the hall of the Faculty : the steps of the entrance were razed to the ground and you walk directly on the roof of the resto U out. Inside, the atmosphere is modern, in white and green. Its capacity is 380 seats (pending the terrace, which will be 450) : approximately double that of the old cafeteria. As to the one of the Fenouillères, it was completely renovated after a year and a half of work. You can see it from far away with its long vertical windows aligned. Here, too, the modern is at the rendezvous. For now only the res taurant side is open, the cafeteria is expected to arrive “in the first half of 2017″, according to the Crous.


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