Thursday, October 13, 2016

Note 7 : Samsung waves financial compensation to keep … – ZDNet France

Now, the main concern for Samsung is seeing its customers, including those who are offered the Note 7 explosive, abandon it for other brands. The giant has therefore decided to quickly implement a marketing operation made financial compensation, history to retain the disappointed and fearful.

The case is not easy, as the episode is unprecedented in terms of safety of users. “The barriers to a change of operating system are high. This is not so obvious for a user of the long term of Android to switch over to an iPhone, and our marketing strategy is going to play on this point, ” says a senior executive from Samsung Electronics journal south korea’s The Hankyoreh.

Concretely, in South Korea, in South Korea, users who bring their Note 7 will be offered a voucher with a value of 24,44 euro, in addition to their refund. But if they opt for an exchange with another Samsung model, they will receive more than the equivalent of 55,94€. In the United States, the premium will rise to 91 euros on the exchange of the Note 7, against another of its smartphones.

It is also to reassure other owners of Galaxy, including the very popular S7. For Samsung, the case in Note 7 does not affect the very good sales of the Galaxy S7 launched in the spring, or worry about the current users. Because the S7 and Note 7, in addition to a number of common, and are very close to the hardware level. Even if no incident has been recorded with this smartphone, the world number one is keen to reassure.

Several sources indicate that Samsung has sent out a notification to owners of Galaxy S7 in order to clearly indicate that the model “is not affected” and ” you can continue to use it normally “. Recall that the manufacturer continues to investigate the technical reasons which have caused overheating of the battery of the Note 7.

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