Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Galaxy Note 7, Samsung burning ? – France Inter

Samsung suspends production of its smartphone Galaxy Note 7 after several cases of battery explosion, and even asks users to turn off the device.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 était seen as  one of the best smartphones on the  marché
The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was seen as one of the best smartphones on the market © Maxppp / JANNIS MATTAR

It was one of the devices the most promising ever made by the Korean firm Samsung… and his adventure stopped officially this Tuesday. The manufacturer has recognised the failure of its Galaxy Note 7 by asking its partners to stop selling this smartphone is the latest technology, and to users of the device to turn it off due to the risk of explosion. An ad that was to unscrew the stock Samsung of 8% Tuesday on the stock exchange of Seoul.

as early As Monday, a source from the american news agency Reuters claimed that the Samsung had decided to suspend the production of the Galaxy Note 7. Officially, according to the manufacturer, it was only a “adjustment” of production volumes of this phone. This has not prevented the share price of the Samsung scholarship Seoul plongér of 1.52% on the day Monday.

dozens Of explosions of batteries

the issue : dozens of cases of explosions of batteries on this new model, announced on 2 August by the leader of the sector. Released on 19 August, it has been the subject of a recall as early as 2 September. An unprecedented transaction : 2.5 million phones purchased in the prior two weeks were recalled for a replacement. Intervention estimated at a billion dollars for Samsung.

But it was not enough. Last Wednesday, October 5th, a plane departing from Louisville (Kentucky, Usa) is evacuated because of a smoke that emanates from the phone belonging to a passenger : a Galaxy Note 7 is already replaced by Samsung. Result, the american Commission for the protection of consumers (CPSC), which had already recommended not to use this phone, to open an investigation. And this weekend, the three largest us carriers, Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile have decided to stop the program of replacing the device.

What happened ?

This is not very clear, and in any case Samsung has not officially communicated the reasons for these malfunctions, containing to talk about an “error in the manufacturing process, which is very rare”. One of the possibilities is a short-circuit which would increase the temperature of the battery : a battery is constructed as a stack, with a negative pole (anode) and one positive (cathode). These two poles are separated by a membrane, or if it breaks, there is what is called a short circuit. What makes heat the material, and may cause the explosion of the battery, so the phone.

What are the consequences for Samsung ?

For the Korean manufacturer, it is a real industrial disaster. Beyond the financial cost that represent the reminders, product, this case is dramatic for the image of Samsung, which, although the market leader, must face from one side to the other manufacturers high-end as Apple, in full competition to the smartphone the most beautiful, most innovative, most efficient, and the other chinese manufacturers who are flooding the market of products of low-grade.

The Galaxy Note 7, which had received good reviews at its release, seen as a good competitor for the iPhone, large-size, is now the machine has avoid. The French site “Les Numériques”, specialized in testing of high-tech devices, has revised this Monday its rating from 5/5 to 1/5, claiming it can no longer recommend the purchase of this product. For the manager of one of the shareholding companies of Samsung, Park Jung-hoon, “the best thing to do would be to renounce purely and simply to the Note 7″.

Will there be more defective batteries ?

It is not impossible. The power and the longevity of the batteries has evolved much more slowly than that of phones, which are, moreover, more and more purposes. These batteries are getting smaller and improving little is challenged, which explains the short duration of the charge of a smartphone today, and can be the source of some overheating, recalls an article that appeared in the Guardian in Great Britain.

Only a change in the structure of batteries, which would be achieved through the replacement of the liquid present in the battery (the electrolyte) by a solid material with the same properties.


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