Thursday, October 27, 2016

Brexit: when consumers pay the note for the drop of the … –

During that Brussels and London are preparing to negotiate fiercely with the terms of the exit of the Uk from the european Union, the effects of Brexit for the future are already visible on the portfolio of the British. Inflation has thus accelerated in September, taking 1% on a year -after +0.6% in August and July, the highest increase since November 2014, according to the latest figures from the ONS (Office for national statistics). But the products of certain companies, particularly the imports, have experienced price hikes much more important to compensate for the drop of the book. Since the vote of 23 June, the value of the british currency has fallen by 16.9% compared to the euro, 21.59cm% against the dollar.

Microsoft has announced in a blog that the price of its enterprise software was going to climb up 13%, while the increase would be 22% for its services as a cloud, his new lever of growth. The firm of Redmond is not the only one who wanted to minimize the fall of the british currency. Before it, Apple had quietly increased in August prices of its electronic products in an amount ranging from 20 to 50 pounds an increase of between 3 and 10%. A decision also taken by the taiwanese HTC, which has added 70 pounds (+10%) at the price of his virtual reality helmet the HTC Vivid, three weeks after the price of the smartphone OnePlus 3 was adjusted to 20 pounds (+6.4 per cent). PC makers Asus (+9% on the selling price in the United Kingdom from October), Dell (+10%) and HP (up to 10% increase) have also applied an increase.

All companies in the sector, however, have not yet taken decisions and some intend to enjoy it. On the forum Reddit, one user advises to buy the currency in League of Legends (the game most played in the world) in pounds and not in euros in order to obtain a better quantity price.

The automotive industry tests the waters with moderate increases

Among the automakers, the rise of prices has been much softer. As early as the month of August, the French PSA took the lead in announcing an increase in the prices of its vehicles across the Channel, which are now an average of 2% more expensive (+2.8% for the Peugeot 308). The manufacturer has subsequently been joined by the american Ford (+1.5% in average), the japanese Honda (+0.9%) and Suzuki (+2%) and even the british Vauxhall (sister company Opel and a subsidiary of General Motors) has pushed prices up (+2.5%) of some of its models from 1 October. For the builders, the price increase seems inevitable, according to Tina Müller, marketing manager of Opel, according to which the Brexit has already cost $ 346 million pounds to GM Europe.

Those increases are very moderate price should not, however, help to offset the effects of exchange rates and price increases more important should follow, according to a note, Arndt Ellinghorst, an analyst at the broker Evercore ISI.

increases to come on the wine and food

If the technological products and the automobiles are purchases of exception, and can thus give the feeling of a impact distant to the british consumer, it is also affected in its everyday consumption. Two giants, the chain of supermarkets Tesco and Unilever, have recently delivered a battle because the first one refused to increase about 10% the price of some products marketed by the second (the Pot or the cream ice cream Ben & Jerry’s). The two companies have finally found an agreement, kept secret, Tesco was able to take advantage of the publicity to present himself as a champion of the defence of the low price and Unilever to see the sales of Pot to climb to 61% on a week. As for consumers ? The increase may be limited time for them, but will undoubtedly pay the price of Brexit.

large-scale consumers of foreign wines – 99% of the 1.8 million bottles consumed each year in the Uk are imported, the British must expect to pay more for their alcohol. The price of the bottles imported from the european Union should therefore climb by an average of 29 pence (22 pence for the wine outside the EU), has warned of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA), the 18 October. An increase of approximately 5.3%, with an average price of the bottle priced between 5,22 and 5.43 per pound.

The collapse of the pound has also contributed to strongly increase the price of pork because of chinese demand. As reported at the end of August the Guardian, the swine industry of the country has been severely affected by severe flooding, pushing the eu’s exports to China, which have jumped 60% over the first six months of the year, to 1.2 million tonnes, of which a large part comes from the Uk. In the Face of this explosion of demand, the suppliers sell their products at up to 38% more expensive, a rise that supermarkets passed on to their customers who buy up to 19% more for their bacon, writes the british newspaper, citing data from the Beacon. And consortium purchasing to underline that this rise in prices is expected to persist.

>> Go further Brexit : the fall of the book, luck or damnation of the british economy ?


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