Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Despite its abandonment, the Note 7 is poisoning the life of … – The Echoes

The (bad) soap opera of the Galaxy Note 7 is not completed for Samsung. A week after announcing the end of production and marketing of its smartphone defective , the giant south-Korean will always try to extinguish the fire which consumes its reputation and image, as well as the batteries of their latest model. On Tuesday, he announced that he was going to compensate all the providers indirectly affected by the industrial disaster. The abandonment of the high-end smartphone from Samsung, which incorporates many components, the latest technology, represents a hefty loss for companies working with the world number one in mobile.

We are sorry to cause the concern of our suppliers, with the end of the Galaxy Note 7. We’ll make compensations to minimize their difficulties “, said in a statement the group, which has promised to make the payments as quickly as possible. No precise figure has been given, but Samsung has indicated that the compensation would be calculated based on the volume of stocks of components that would remain on the arm. The compensation should include the devices have already been fabricated, the components during production, as well as the equipment specially purchased by the suppliers to produce the components needed.

Difficult to know the real impact on the industry for this fiasco. Suppliers of Samsung are many. But the south Korean government has already revised (slightly) downward the forecast of growth of the economy of the country, while the world number one in mobile and the écosysème of suppliers with whom he works heavily in the domestic economy. Samsung has calculated that the death of the Note 7 would cause a shortfall in income of about 5 billion euros over three quarters (by the end of the first quarter of 2017) .

prison Sentence

If the giant of the electronics out the checkbook to repair the damage, it remains silent on the precise causes of the malfunctions of the smartphone . First contested, the batteries using the lithium-ion technology would not necessarily be the only responsible for the kindling of the terminals. Analysts and experts continue to be lost in conjectures about the origin of the problems. According to the Wall Street Journal, the south Korean company would in any case have taken liberties with the certification of the batteries from the Note 7.

in The United States, tests, revealing no problems, had been conducted in its own laboratories, but not in those certified by the mobile industry american. In this country, the CTIA, an association that brings together companies in the sector, proposes to the manufacturers to test their new devices in independent laboratories (they are 26) before being placed on the market. The one from Samsung was certainly approved by the authorities. But the procedure is rather unusual and it throws the disorder on the neutrality of the judgments made.

In the meantime, the recall of all the devices and the release of a new model for the manufacturer to turn the page , Samsung continues to suffer from the bad publicity of the Note 7. Since this weekend, all the major airlines, including Air France, making the device in their aircraft. In the United States, any person embarking with a Note 7 on him or in his luggage will be prohibited from theft and may be prosecuted and be hit by a fine of up to $ 180,000, or even a prison sentence. Using a smartphone has never been so risky.


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