Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Galaxy Note 7 : class action lawsuit against Samsung – The World

The firm Harvest Law filed Monday an action in the name of the 527 buyers Note 7. He asks for 500 000 wons of damages and interest, or 403 euros.

The firm Harvest Law filed Monday an action in the name of the 527 buyers Note 7.

A law firm from south korea has announced a class action lawsuit against Samsung to demand reimbursement of the giant south-Korean in the fiasco of its Galaxy phones Note 7 to the battery explosive.

The firm Harvest Law filed Monday, October 24, an action in the name of the 527 buyers Note 7. He asks for 500 000 wons of damages and interest (403 euros) to compensate for the loss of time during the disastrous operation recall of these devices.

These are – even combined – are minimal for the giant south Korean. But this action tarnishes a little more in the reputation of a company accustomed to be considered as the nec plus ultra of the world of business and treated as such.

The vulnerability is new is underlined by the decision of a consulting firm, investment recommend that shareholders vote against the appointment to the board of directors of Samsung, J. Y. Lee, vice-president of Samsung Electronics and heir apparent of the empire family.

Read also : Stop the Galaxy Note 7 : “Samsung needs to contain the crisis and stabilize its image”

thousands of additional customers ?

Peter Koh, a lawyer of Harvest Law, explained Tuesday the application by the rising anger of consumers. the ” Until now, a hundred of people joined us each day, but more than 300 buyers signed yesterday “, said Mr Koh, who expects to represent 3 000 additional customers.

according To the lawyer, the buyers of the phablet – intermediate between a smartphone and a tablet – Galaxy Note 7 have ” clear “ been affected by the operation of the callback, forced to go multiple times in store, and to rent or buy other phones after the ban of the device on the international flights.

at the Beginning of September, the world’s leading manufacturer of smartphones had been forced to order the recall worldwide of 2.5 million Note 7 because several specimens had caught fire or exploded.

The impact of this crisis could have been content if some of the devices distributed in replacement of the first defective models did not have also begun to ignite, pushing Samsung to abandon the production of what was to be its flagship model.

Read also : How Samsung has come to suspend the sale of the Galaxy Note 7

Samsung now offers to the buyers the full refund or to exchange their Note against another one of its phones, in addition to a purchase of 30,000 won (25 euros). On Monday, he also announced that those choosing the exchange would be afforded a 50% discount on the new Note 8 or S8 to come out next year.

in addition, a similar complaint is pending in the United States. According to Reuters, it was made by a user claiming to be suffering from severe burns after the explosion of its Galaxy Note 7.


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