Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Samsung’s request to turn off the Galaxy Note 7 and ordered a stop … – The Huffington Post

TECHNO – The south Korean Samsung Electronics has ordered that Tuesday, the whole of its global partners to end the sale and trade of its Galaxy Note 7, after templates already replaced caught fire, and has advised its customers to immediately “turn off” their “phablet”.

In a press release, the world’s leading manufacturer of smartphones, was said to have made this decision to allow a “thorough investigation” into these events, which have already heavily leaded. A few hours later, Samsung has confirmed the total stop of the production of Galaxy Note 7.

The giant is in turmoil since it was forced on September 2, to order the recall of 2.5 million copies of his Note 7, a “phablet”, the terminal intermediate in size between the smartphone and the tablet. Some specimens had in fact caught fire due to faulty batteries.

The callback operation seemed to be going properly until the last week when new incidents are likely to have been reported on the Galaxy Note 7 that had yet been replaced.

“The safety of consumers is our top priority, Samsung application, therefore, to all operators and retailers to stop selling and exchanging the Galaxy Note 7 as the investigation unfolds,” wrote the group, which had already announced on Monday that it “adjusted the volumes of the production” of the device.

In addition, Samsung recommends that all owners of an original model of the Galaxy Note 7 or a device is replaced to”turn off and stop using” their “phablet”.

also Read :

• Samsung has a solution that is not going to please you for the batteries for the explosive

• The u.s. government does not want to Note 7 in the planes

• We have tested the scanner of an iris of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7

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