Monday, October 10, 2016

Primary The Republicans : “The debate, an event new to the … –

“They remember, for the most part, they were singularly under-estimated the importance of such a confrontation which opposed in 2011, the candidates of the socialist”, note Nicolas Domenach. “At the Elysée Sarkozy, gaussait disputes, child of the left, despising his inability to identify a leader,” recalls the journalist. “Some of the media also were passed to next. Such TF1 who, today, makes up for it by spreading (with RTL) the first debate”, he adds. According to him, the French may be more than 6 to 7 million for a show that will not be The magnificent Seven or Seven men, but The Seven nominees for a special The Voice election,” he continued, referring to “a test tv new to the right, and that can prove decisive”.

Some say, however, that the televised debate had not been used to much ? “Error !”, ton Nicolas Domenach, who noted that “it had been truly adversarial citizen and not a rat race”. This time, “in the role of the gatherer Holland, you’ll have Alain Juppe which will remain on its dynamic leader, the peacemaker”. As the challenger, “Nicolas Sarkozy will pass the test of nerves so sensitive to him, because of his former ministers are no longer at his orders, and he must mark the electorate as radical as Aubry had need of the one to the left of the left”.

there will also be the battle for third place “with François Fillon and his ball of the prime minister, and Bruno Le Maire, who suffers a default reputation to fill, and not only by removing his tie”. For the journalist, “Copé must décoper, this is his only chance to exist,” the very christian Fish “will show you that he is not afraid of the sharks”. When to NKM, as she said, “she ‘will leave the competition zizi to the guys’, which is a way to participate,” he concludes.

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