Saturday, October 15, 2016

Lyon retains the right note of Standard & Poors – Lyon Capital –

Lyon, January 2016

©Tim Douet

Lyon, January 2016

The prospects were judged as a negative last year, while the credit rating agency gave the same rating to the city of Lyon (AA/A-1+). Finally, the plan was put in place “margins of maneuver” in the context of the reduction of the allocations of the State functioned, the note of the rating agency acknowledges and emphasises an economy of lyon “very strong,”. The rating that is already in the past year could also be revised downward in the case where the French State had also declined, the agency was “that no local community, French may not be graded above the State.” The AA rating is the highest rating that a local community, French can get, to the great satisfaction of Gérard Collomb, who wished to acknowledge the work of his former deputy, George Képénékian, and Richard Brumm, assistant to finance, both in charge of the implementation of the plan margin leeway. The mayor also wished to thank “all of the lyonnais who were able to understand and comprehend the choices of the community.” rating agencies evaluate the economic situation of States, communities or businesses. They note on their creditworthiness as borrowers. A good note for the city, means that the economic prospects are stable and sends positive signals to potential lenders.


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