Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Galaxy Note 7, Samsung’s ready to do anything to recover its smartphones – The Echoes

“I strongly advise against using your phone. You run a danger. If you keep your phone, you put yourself in danger.” At the other end of the wire Monday, October 24, after-sales service of Samsung France warns any owner of Galaxy Note 7 wishing to keep and continue to use the phablet top of the range so that it has been withdrawn from the market two weeks ago because of overheating problems.

In the case where the message would not have been clear enough, the questioner adds before hanging up : “You have in your possession a phone that can be dangerous”, urging them to “refund or exchange” of the device in the shortest possible time.

The mailboxes at airports

Since the series of explosions of batteries and the recall of all Galaxy Note 7, Samsung is deploying all its efforts to encourage the customer to return the phone despite an official communication to be uneven across countries. The SERVICE of the giant south-Korean had begun to contact all owners of the smartphone in this sense, providing them with the necessary to return it free of charge. But despite the numerous safety warnings and the videos circulating on the Internet showing the Galaxy Note 7 burned, some consumers refuse to give up this phablet, whose features had charmed the techies before the onset of battery problems.

As evidenced by the advertisements of the airlines, which succeed one another since September prohibiting aboard their aircraft to the Galaxy Note 7. These measures taken by Lufthansa, Qantas or Virgin due to the risk of explosion have forced Samsung to install kiosks in several airports around the world, dedicated to the recovery of its smartphone.

commercial Offers previously unpublished

But these initiatives do not seem to be enough. Before proceeding to an eventual disabling of all the phones remotely – one of the options that he still has to avoid new explosions that would shred a little more in his image, Samsung has turned to commercial offers previously unpublished .

on Monday, the company announced that its customers in south korea who agree to exchange their Galaxy Note 7 defective model Galaxy S7 will be able to get a Galaxy S8 or a Note 8 when these new models will be launched next year. Customers subscribing to this upgrade program will have to pay only half the price of the Galaxy S7 that they can then redeem against a S8 or a Note 8.

ten days ago, Samsung had already revealed its intention to pay financial compensations to its clients in South Korea and the United States that would be willing to trade their Galaxy Note 7 for another model of the brand. Americans who report that their device will be, for example, offer a voucher of 100 dollars by the giant south Korean .

to Defend market share

The considerable efforts made by Samsung for retrieve all phones and potentially dangerous in the market are aimed primarily at retaining its customers. Repeating “your safety is our top priority” and strengthening its promotions on the range Galaxy, Samsung fourbit the latest weapons at its disposal to defend its market shares against Apple, LG and other smartphone manufacturers.

Even if the house Samsung is far from having caught fire with the Galaxy Note 7 , the failure of the phablet is expected to cost the asian group at least 5 billion euros . Contacted by Les Echos, Gartner table of his side on a ten billion dollars, referring to the number of smartphones being manufactured, but also the investment in R&D over the last 18 months and the amounts spent by the company for the marketing and advertising.


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