Thursday, October 13, 2016

Property tax : the departments inflate the note – The Parisian

EXCLUSIVE. According to the annual barometer of the national Union of real estate owners, the property tax took in an average of 10 % in the Ile-de-France in five years. Strong disparities exist.

C‘is soon time to pay the note. If this is not already done, the owners have until October 17th to pay the land tax to income tax, and until October 22 for those who want to pay online. Anyway, for all the ile-de-france, the invoice has still greatly increased. This is revealed by the Observatory of land taxes on built properties, concocted in the last ten years by the national Union of property owners (UNPI), the results of the Ile-de-France are announced exclusively in our pages. “The increase in the property tax is a clear trend since a few years, but it increases again ! regrets Jean Perrin, president of the UNPI. Between 2010 and 2015, it exceeds the 10 % increase everywhere in the Ile-de-France and this is not acceptable to the owners. “

In five years, the owners of the Val-d’oise have seen their property tax off of 35,18 %. Far behind (but still a net increase), the Seine-Saint-Denis records 17,23 % increase over the same period, the Essonne 16,90 %, Yvelines 16,89 % and the Val-de-Marne 16.28 for %. “Today, some taxpayers are a bit precarious as the pensioners are forced to sell their property because of property tax costs them between two and three months of income,” laments Jean Perrin.

But how to explain such an outbreak ? For this, it is necessary to look at the numbers, city by city, to the magnifying glass. Because several of the actors come in to take a few euros per year to the owners : the municipalities, the agglomerations, but also the departments and public institutions of local property. Each can increase its rate — sometimes capped, however, — in his own way.

It is thus necessary to scrutinize their property tax assessment to see which will inflate the score. And in practical terms, though here and there the cities were taxed more owners between 2010 and 2015 (results 2016 of the part of the commune will be available in spring, according to UNPI), these are not increases in cities that impact the most the invoice. What are the communities to have had the most heavy ? Departments. “They will have to pay the RSA and it will cost them very dear, deplores Jean Perrin. Suddenly, they are not gone dead hand, in 2016. “The UNPI has collected data on the share of the département of the property tax in 2016. Balance sheet : the departmental council of the Yvelines was pretty darn weighed down the bill with 65.9 % increase in five years. Ditto in the Val-d’oise, france, with + 29,6 %, and in the Essonne, + 28,9 %.

” some of the departments in debt, so they use the property tax to find new resources immediately “, decrypts the president of the UNPI. What surprises him the most ? The disparity between departments in the île de france. “While some tax heavily the owners, others are able to maintain stable rates or modeled on inflation. This is not normal. “

Example with Paris and the Hauts-de-Seine, where, between 2015 and 2016, the share of the département remained the same. Hence a conclusion that will leave more than one owner of bitter : in the Ile-de-France, in order to pay less property tax, you must live in a rich town ! Or, more precisely, in a department that collects revenue of its businesses or through the transfer tax (a tax levied on sales of accommodation and calculated on the amount of the sale), which allows for less tax the owners. “Paris and the Hauts-de-Seine have the chance to be rich, concludes Jean Perrin. And in turn, the owners of these territories will benefit. “


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