Wednesday, October 26, 2016

CO2 Emissions : 14 French companies to receive the best … – The Echoes

For this is to reduce their carbon emissions, companies from France and the Benelux countries are making efforts, according to the annual report of the CDP released this Tuesday . On the 151 companies in the region who have agreed to answer questions from the british NGO, this year, 41 of them have set themselves targets for reducing their emissions in absolute value. Promises encouraging when we know that these companies represent 81% of the market capitalization of the region.

however, This is insufficient, according to Laurent Babikian, president for France and Benelux of the CDP : “If we sum all of these objectives and if these companies were to realize, then their emissions would decrease by only 15% by 2050, which would represent just 30% of the global effort they should do in order to be in line with the agreement (global climate) to Paris.”

10 million tons less CO2 emissions

Since last year, the trend is still positive, according to the report, made with the firm Accenture. The global CO2 emissions in the region increased from 723 million tons to 712 million tons, a decrease of 2 %, according to data provided by the 115 firms that responded to the NGO in the last year. Among these 115 structures that have played the game of transparency, 61 have even managed to reduce their emissions by an average of 14 %.

14 companies get an “a”

Other good news this year : 14 French companies (21 counting the Benelux companies) have obtained the best note and are identified in the list of “Climate” : Group PSA, Michelin, Renault, L’oréal, ICADE, Klepierre, Bic, Bouygues, Schneider Electric, Atos SE, EDF, Engie, Suez Environment, Veolia.

These efforts are particularly welcome on the side of EDF and Engie, which, along with ArcelorMittal, LafargeHolcim Shell and Total account for 78 % of the total of the emissions identified. All in all, these “biggest polluters” have managed to reduce their emissions by 18 % (excluding the special case of LafargeHolcim, as the new entity resulting from the merger of French Lafarge and the swiss Holcim).

How to take ?

The most effective way to make carbon savings, according to data reported by enterprises, is to maximize the use of energy. This strategy has helped save 7.7 million tons of CO2 in 2016. The initiatives related to the design of products (to reformulate the chemicals that they contain, change the packaging, scan documents,…) are also paid.

The innovation also plays an important role in the transition of enterprises towards a model less greedy in terms of CO2. “What is important is to see that there are a number of practices that evolve in the top of the basket, to know the companies that are most advanced “, with an approach oriented towards the circular economy, renewable energy and energy efficiency, analysis Cédric Vatier, executive director within Accenture Strategy France.

The report mentions, for example, the strategy of the manufacturer of the PSA tour on mobility and car-pooling, or even the efforts of the luxury group Kering in the recycling of textiles.

Apple among the good students at a global level

At the global level, 85% of the thousand of companies who responded to the british NGO, has set targets to reduce their CO2 emissions, but only 14% go beyond 2030.

The companies included in the “Climate Has” list include : Apple, Colgate-Palmolive Company, Nissan Motor Co., Sky, Sony, Wipro.

On the other hand, some major companies have not wished to reply to the questions of the CDP, of which Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and Facebook.


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