Monday, December 19, 2016

The hospitals noted as to the school – Release

The High Authority of Health (HAS) has to consider the satisfaction level of patients during their hospital stays. And the HAS reaped a note, in the form of a score out of 100. The overall score is not so bad : 72,7 out of 100.

Remains that it is a partial view of the world hospitable, because these levels of satisfaction relate to the time 403 institutions. This note is constructed from the responses to the questionnaire which have responded to since April 56 759 patients, via their e-mail address. The questions were varied, covering four themes : home, support, room and board, organization of the output. For the 11% of institutions classified in the best, 76% of patients would recommend definitely the establishment to their friends and family and 80% would return if they were to be re-hospitalized for the same ailment. For 24% of the facilities the poor, only 47% of patients would recommend the institution to their friends and family and only 57% would be willing to come back for the same reason.

Identification non-compliant

listening to caregivers, and the explanations given were part of the elements taken into account : 87% of patients reported to have received answers to their questions, and 91% were satisfied with their clarity. By contrast, the level of satisfaction is “means” for the host, particularly due to accessibility (transportation, parking, signage) of the institution. 91.9 per cent, however, were found to the home by the care services as good or excellent.

The situation in the operating room is more troubling : “The professionals use only a partial check-list to minimize the risk of error and secure operations.” to Follow this check-list is supposed to be mandatory before any surgical intervention. There is work to be done… Well, “the identification of the patient must be improved”, also notes the HAS. the “It is not consistent in 3 cases out of 10 (last name, first name, date of birth, or sex) and bad practices persist : the pill dispensers are not identified with the name of the patient, but according to the number of the room, wearing the identification bracelet is not widespread in the sector at risk.”


In fact, if schematically, the patients are rather happy with their stay, their satisfaction is going to fall out of the hospital. And that crystallizes, for example, on the letter of end of hospitalization, which is essential to support the long-term. the “the analysis of The records showed that in 2016, a letter to the end of hospitalization was found for 79% of the patients in home hospitalization, and up to 87% of patients in follow-up care and rehabilitation.” A figure, not so bad, but when this letter of hospitalization is found, “several problems persist : the content is incomplete ; its delivery to the patient does not take place to the output ; its sending the doctor to the city or to the structure of the transfer is too late”. , “if the prescription medicines are generally documented and in a manner consistent in the files of the patients, the measured results in 2016 will remain significantly insufficient with respect to the quality of the administration of medications, treatments, output and communication to the community physician in charge of follow up the patient”.

We can see, improvements appear necessary. And these notes might help. Agnès Buzyn, president of the HAS, explained that “the best participating institutions will be rewarded”. , Adding : “A bonus financial is going to be given soon to those who have achieved good results.” An incentive not negligible since the 20% better-rated institutions will receive a sum ranging from € 15 000 to € 500 000.

Eric Favereau


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