Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Galaxy Note 7 : they have decided to keep it despite the risks and … – Phonandroid

The Galaxy Note 7 is still a smartphone impressive if you disregard its problems of explosion. Speed of the recall organized by Samsung, and many warnings from the Korean manufacturer, some users have decided to keep it at their own risk and we explain now why. Some of the justifications are hilarious.

Two months after the definitive recall of the phablet, Samsung has recovered only 90% of the Galaxy Note 7 in circulation. However, this is not because they have tried everything, numerous warnings and deactivations forced not to mention the update expected in the USA and that should make all the Galaxy Note 7 to be unusable, but nothing, some continue to keep the camera despite the risk of explosion.

Our colleagues american Phandroid have put together a small selection of the best explanations on the posts dedicated on Reddit and the forum XDA. Some users provide reasons really surprising :

” mine works perfectly and no sign of blocked IMEI here in the Uk, I’m sure that it will continue to function perfectly as long as I would like to keep it. “

We especially hope for him that he’s not explode !

” Their product ? Sorry but I have paid a high price so it is me and not to them. So yes, they offer in exchange for a small smartphone old of 10 months with the half of the memory is full and without S Pen. “

here He is alluding to the Galaxy S7 and S7 the Edge it is visibly too small and too old.

” I’ve turned off all updates and I asked myself how they could possibly force the updates. I use the browser to Samsung on my N7. I wonder if they can push a OTA via their own browser ? Or through other Samsung apps / Touchwiz loaded on the N7 “.

The fear of this user vis-à-vis a possible update to its smartphone verges on paranoia. With regard to the following, he tries visibly to convince yourself that the risk is non-existent :

” You take a lot more risks in travelling in a car or crossing the road “.

A miscellany of interesting reactions from users who felt that the new features of the Note 7 to go before their security.

Galaxy Note 7 : in the end it is his design to be “too aggressive” which could be the cause of the explosions



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