Monday, December 5, 2016

Galaxy Note 7 : in the end it is his design to be “too aggressive” … – Phonandroid

While Samsung is still in the process of conducting the investigation and that it promises an explanation before the end of the year, engineers also studied the question of explosions in the Galaxy Note 7. According to the findings of the business instrumental.I, the fiasco of the Galaxy Note 7 could be due to a problem related to the design of the terminal.

The case of the Galaxy Note 7 appears to already be ancient history, however, Samsung is always at work to try to understand the origin of this fiasco in history. If the Korean had initially estimated that the concern came from the batteries, he finally deceived. The company has therefore decided to investigate more rigorously.

Thus, to this day, Samsung has still provided no explanation but the brand has promised to clarify this whole thing before the end of the year. In the meantime, other engineers were interested in the problem. It must be said that in engineering terms it is a real riddle that unleashes the passions.

design issues

Thus, the company is instrumental.I studied very precisely the question and has delivered its conclusions. And while for the moment all the explanations you made turns battery problems, instrumental.I concluded that the design ” too aggressive “ was at the origin of the explosions of Galaxy Note 7.

According to the engineers of the company, it is the design of the smartphone that would be in question. According to them, the battery of the smartphone swells in as lithium migrates into the battery. There is therefore space in the battery for it to breathe. We are talking here about something of the order of 0.1 to 0.3 mm. If this space is not present, the battery is not “airy” and overheating up to the explosion.

To analyse the problem and check their hypothesis, the engineers have just acquired a Galaxy Note 7 and subjected to a test protocol. They have, therefore, subjected the battery to a series of compressions and observed the chemical reactions of different components.

They then realized that Samsung’s engineers had played with fire. They have, in fact, trying to find the right balance between a design to propose a design that is extremely thin and sleek while reducing the risk of explosion.

Samsung has played with fire

The problem is that reducing the risk does not eliminate it. the Samsung would have therefore wanted to maximize the capacity of the battery without having impact on the design of the Galaxy Note 7. And the result is the one that knows. The company is instrumental.I explained :

Samsung’s engineers are smart. Innovation means pushing the boundaries. To design something innovative, designing the best tests, and validate the fact that the design is correct with these tests. Battery tests are long, and thousands of batteries must be tested to obtain significant results. It is possible that the manufacturing process Samsung has been able to change during development, and that the most recent versions of the batteries have not been tested with the same rigour as the first samples.

The engineers instumental.I agree : Samsung has, without doubt, abandoned the security its smartphone to provide a terminal even more efficient and especially to emphasize the design. The conclusion of the company could not have been more clear :

Samsung has taken risks and has designed a dangerous product.

let’s See what Samsung will have to respond to that. It seems unlikely that the Korean recognize you have neglected the security. We expect rather a further explanation. But maybe we will be surprised. Up to now, the Korean has all the same been very transparent in this whole affair is leaving to jeopardize its image. We’ll see you in a few weeks now since Samsung has promised to make explanations before the end of the year. We can’t wait to have the official version. Not you ?

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 : return 6 dates out of a fiasco of historic


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