Saturday, December 17, 2016

For the first time, patients have rated their hospital – – BFMTV.COM

This is a first. Hospitals and clinics have been rated by their patients. “We’ve made a big step, it is a duty of transparency and accountability that we owe it to the patients”, assured the Figaro Agnes Buzyn, president of the High Authority of health (HAS), the origin of the initiative. These results are published and available for the first time Thursday on the site Scope Health.

A general average of 72.7/100

The satisfaction score obtained by the care institutions is presented in the form of a note on 100. Overall, the establishment assessed to get the overall rating of 72.7. The satisfaction levels are distributed between four groups, ranging of the best, in dark green (11% institutions 44 institutions), passing by the bright green and yellow, to the less good, in red (24%, 95 institutions) that have a score lower to 70.7.

This overall score is derived from responses to the questionnaire which have responded to since April 56.759 patients, via their e-mail address. They had to have stayed more than forty-eight hours in a hospital department in order to participate in the consultation. The questions focused on four themes: home, support, room and board, organization of the output.

983 schools evaluated

For the institutions that are best evaluated, 76% of patients would recommend “certainly,” the establishment and their loved ones and eight out of ten patients would return if they were to be re-hospitalized for the same ailment. For the institutions that are less good, less than one patient in two would recommend the establishment to their friends and only 57% would be willing to return.

according To the questionnaire, which covers 983 institutions, the “support” saves the best result. Listening to caregivers, the explanations are part of the elements taken into account. In regards to the home, the level of satisfaction is “average”, in particular because of the accessibility of the facility. The satisfaction score is “insufficient” – especially for the organization of the output, with a quarter of the dissatisfied patients – but also for the room and, without surprise, for the quality of the meals.

The best schools will be rewarded. “A bonus financial is going to be given soon to those who have achieved good results,” said Agnes Buzyn. It is an additional leverage to encourage teams to register in this dynamic improvement of the quality of care.” An amount ranging from 15,000 to 500,000 euros, reports Le Figaro. The names of these institutions are expected to be released before Christmas.


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