Sunday, January 15, 2017

Second debate of the primary on the left : we have noted the … – The Parisian

Which, of socialist Benoît Hamon, Arnaud Montebourg, Vincent Peillon, and Manuel Valls, the radical left Sylvia Pinel or environmentalist Jean-Luc Bennahmias and François de Rugy has won the debate ? The journalists of the Parisien noted.

Le jury of the Parisian deliberate. The journalists from the political department has noted this Sunday, the delivery of each of the candidates of this second debate of the primary to the left according to the five criteria. The precision, the style, fair-play, the best formula and combativeness. Each journalist has proposed a note on ten points. The one that we offer is therefore the result of an average.

review. The notes to the first debate


No more Sunday than in the first debate on Thursday, Montebourg has used this flamboyant style of lawyer that characterized him. And it is perhaps a pity, because if he is accurate on most topics, it seems a bit dull. Clever too, when he tries to appear eco-friendly model, who promoted the shale gas. Finally, it is in a pass of arms shifted with Laurence Ferrari, about his channel iTélé ” destroyed by its owner “, that he will regain his punch. But it would have been better the book to its rivals.


Manuel Valls assumes, asserts its ” proud to be ruled “. Wants to show that he has the stature of a statesman. “I have enough of that here and elsewhere put into question the honour of France “. Targeted by Hamon and Peillon on the issue of migration, pragmatic, he insists : “I think that France has had reason to conduct this policy (…) is both generous and controlled “. Offensive, the former Prime minister puts forward his authority : “There needs to be prohibited, there must be rules in a society” and says that he wants to ” embody France, its history, its culture “. If it assumes the balance sheet, it is projected, of course: “to Be a candidate for the presidency of the Republic, is to look to the future.”


At the first debate, the teacher Peillon had appeared too… with faculty, ” inside “. Yesterday, the surprise guest of the primary, which should put the package to catch up, has gone on the offensive. From the outset, Manuel Valls, in fact, the costs : Vincent Peillon the tackle, severus, on his criticism against Angela Merkel regarding migrants. Then it is an anaphora percussion on the style chair : “a left-wing president, this is… “, he reiterates, with particular emphasis on the european commitment, his trademark.


Of the three “small” candidates, the member of Loire-Atlantique is the best out with his formulae spicy. Very comfortable on the issues of environment, François de Rugy has distinguished himself from his opponents by asking for a quick exit of nuclear power : “I jump when I hear talk of energy independence on the subject of nuclear power. The uranium comes 100% from abroad ! “The candidate has not hesitated to tackle Hamon on the” 49-3 citizen “. Before you indulge in this confidence that first class : “I’m not a smoker or tobacco or cigar, or pipe or joint. “


The third man of the campaign was the first to attempt to awaken this debate, by challenging directly Vincent Peillon on his european project, before citing, appropriately, one of the great figures of the left : Jacques Delors. Then a few moments later, another totem socialist : “When Michel Rocard has put in place the RMI, it was claimed, already, that we would have a society of laziness. This is not the case “. Rather clever on the part of one who seeks to embody the left of the PS in this battle of the primary.


Transparent during the first debate, the president of the radical Party of the left has not managed to get out of his stiffness. In the corridor, without ever challenged his competitors in the primary, it is the coup remained invisible, and very often late in his allotted time. “I regret that the quarrels of the quinquennium have weakened our own camp,” she nevertheless expressed, with its emphasis slightly singing of the South-West, which has somewhat masked his performance dull. Still a missed appointment for the only woman in this competition.


” I will be a president natural any the world has understood “. Ca, definitely ! Questioned on the exercise of power, what president would it be if he was elected, Jean-Luc Bennahmias shows the informality that characterizes it since the beginning of this campaign. Several times he has not failed to bring a smile to his competitors : “When I am president, I will make a protectionism in europe. It is difficult though to imagine that he sees himself at the top of the poster. But Jean-Luc Bennahmias, once again, brought a bit of freshness and frankness in this debate. “It happened to me” he says when asked if he has ever smoked cannabis.


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