Monday, June 15, 2015

School: To score or not to score? – The Huffington Post

You had notes today? How did you get to your DS math? And what’s your mean in English?

When we receive in consultation with parents anxious about their children’s schooling, we find that family, communication with the child turns . mainly around-when it is not balanced around evening homework, but this is a subject we had already discussed

However, the French school is singled out: the poor PISA results of recent surveys, which compare the results of school systems internationally, once again put France to the index. Our teaching is questioned and among the debates, there is one on the rating.

Some hypotheses say that to grade pupils from 0 to 20 proceed in this daunting pedagogy that generates a loss confidence in learning, sometimes the key to dropping out.

Experiments are made here and there, and we see in some institutions as letters, or colors, replace Notes for reporting student progress and to point their shortcomings.

But, logically also, parents are just as concerned to learn that their child is in the orange or that he D, as if they were told that he had 6/20 …

If the problem was elsewhere? If the question was more of what use is made of the evaluation system whatsoever -note, letter or in color- which maintains communication about school in families?

This communication is also about the responsibility of the school. But strangely, no one talks about it, when it comes to implementing measures against school dropout. It strives to review the programs, modify the notation codes, to invent new disciplines … cross without ever addressing the speech that the institution caters to families. Speech which is nevertheless responsible for how parents will accompany their child in their school career.

Today, what dominates is an injunction to parents, which is to monitor grades and homework . their children

PRONOTE software central device in communication between schools and families alone sums up this injunction: “If you want to be good parents, go to PRONOTE daily check the work to do, remind your children of the notes and watch! “

Parents are urged to control their children and many unfortunately, in many families, communication about school learning is limited to this control.

To talk in terms of logic levels -Notion expensive at the School of Palo Alto-we can say that parents are mistaken logic level when their attention to the notes of their children in order to develop them up. Note, in fact, is merely the consequence of the child’s interest in learning. It’s much more at this interest that parents can strictly speaking-not affect the rating, which is beyond their control and causes so many different dramas, according to their way of managing … For it are those who will get excited death against their child, but also those who will attack the teacher, which is sometimes so unfair is not it?

In any case, attention to the damn notes sign an epistemological error, confusion logic levels, which has dramatic consequences of which the first is that the child ends up believing that school, well it used to get good grades.

Now, if we correct the epistemological error and we remember that the note is only a consequence – an emerging quality of the academics would say the Palo Alto School -In relationship child with their learning, so we can concentrate on what is really at hand and what we can have an impact, as parents: the taste for learning

Of course. we can not force a child -this would be a new disastrous mistake – to be interested in his school learning. But we can at least give them self-interest.

And if for a time, we stopped to ask our children what notes they had, but However that we asked ourselves some questions about their what they learn, for example in history?

In the sixth, they study ancient Greece, the birth of democracy … is what most of us have not forgotten how democracy was born? Our children who are in 6th know -even if they have not listened carefully throughout the course, they have retained one or two things. Would not it be more interesting to hear about this topic than to note that they have had to DS?

We want to raise our children, yet we spend our time lower ourselves to an infantile level in only concern us from this marker is the narcissistic note. While in interesting us what they learn in class, we truly élèverions to us, to our current questions … on democracy for example.

We expect the school and teachers to interest our children, they make them curious, they do love their knowledge. We expect them to enchant the education of our children with their enthusiasm. This expectation is legitimate, but would not it just as important that parents marvel content of this teaching that our school carries, instead of using all their energy into conflicts over homework and notes? And they could do it, regardless of their own knowledge, their own cultural baggage, if guided by the institution in this form of communication, as they are conditioned today to only monitor the performance of their children.

So the question notes, is it really a priority?

Do not we first of all think about how we would like the parents are interested in their children, academically, and their way of communicating with them so that they make allies this system maligned but nevertheless sees in it so many motivated teachers who could still bring both to our youth generations

Read also:

• Should delete notes at school


• Notes at school: Benoît Hamon wants an evaluation that does not discourage students

• Colleges experimenting evaluation without notes. Appraisal: Good results, but could do better

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