Monday, November 14, 2016

Galaxy Note 7 : in spite of the fiasco you are 72% to always do … – Phonandroid

last week, we give you the opportunity to respond to a survey about the Galaxy Note 7. We ask the following question : ” After the fiasco of the Galaxy Note 7, do you still trust Samsung ? “. You have been more than 2000 to reply and for 72% of you, the case of the Galaxy Note 7 has not undermined your trust in Samsung.

Samsung has not had an easy year, it is the least we can say. While the year started well with a Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge welcomed with open arms by observers and consumers, the Galaxy Note 7 has tarnished the rest of the year to the constructor.

If the smartphone was very successful, the various problems of explosions have forced Samsung to take measures exceptional. A first recall took place, and a second, Samsung has committed an error of diagnosis on the problems of explosions.

After the second recall campaign, the Korean has, therefore, decided to sell its Galaxy Note 7, with the economic consequences but also in terms of image that it implies.

Reminder of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 : all you need to know

Following the fiasco of the Galaxy Note 7, surveys and studies have multiplied. It must be said that such an event had never happened in the history of mobile telephony. Samsung had therefore nothing to worry about.

But, against all expectations, most of the surveys and studies explained that the faithful of the mark, he had held not so much the rigour of this case. Many would be those who would have opted again for a Samsung smartphone in replacement of their Galaxy Note 7.

The numbers vary according to the polls and facing your various reactions, you readers, we have decided to create our own survey. You are part of one of the largest communities Android in France and thus, your opinion is extremely important.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 : return 6 dates out of a fiasco of historic

To have the heart net, and the opinions of our readers so we created our own survey. We have asked the following question :

Galaxy Note 7 : after the fiasco, do you still trust Samsung ?

You have been exactly 2376 people to vote. We thank you all for your participation. To answer this question, we proposed three answers :

  • Yes, Samsung has learned from its mistakes
  • No, it is out of the question
  • I don’t care, I’ve never been seduced by Samsung

The results are without appeal. You are 72.1% in exactly (1714 votes) to always trust in Samsung. Overall, based on your comments, forgive you Korean for this error.

Many of you have explained that this problem could have happened to any other brand but that ” it had fallen on Samsung “. Others have also explained that the management of the crisis by Samsung is to be commended. According to them, the Korean has been transparent and has taken courageous decisions.

For 17.6% of the voters (418 votes) it is out of the question of you still trust in Samsung. Among the arguments advanced was the fact that it is unacceptable for a company of this dimension of neglect at this point the quality control. For other, Samsung has not well managed the crisis and rushed to launch the second wave of Note 7 following the first reminder. The controls would have had to be more pushed at this time.

Finally, 10.3% of voters (244 votes) don’t care of this whole matter. They have never too been seduced by Samsung any way. So let’s say that the chances for Samsung to attract these users are thin.

anyway, the majority of our readers believes that Samsung has well managed this historic episode in the smartphone market. Many voters also indicated that they would buy a Samsung in the future. They explain that Samsung has learned some lessons and that he will be more vigilant. Response in a few months with the release of the Galaxy S8, certainly one of the most anticipated smartphones of 2017.


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