Shell, test, evaluate, note are steps that comprise the process of writing a test. Be eligible for support as to speak freely and give an opinion on the passion that drives us is a rare chance which obviously implies certain responsibilities and a certain method to which the writer can not decently avoid. We are fully aware that the rendering test will be read by many players and each published will be discussed on our forums and elsewhere, so it is essential for the writer cleverly separate from feelings that layer on the paper estimation of charms and flaws of the title he tested, the most objective way possible.
Personnel and not confidential
I’m not in the habit of using the first person singular when I write an article, those who have the habit of reading my bafouilles the probably know. That said, the following note is more the result of an “analysis” personal, which will certainly illustrated with experiences that are just as important and therefore are mine. Also forgive you please use the “I” in the article that follows.
It all depends on tester and method of work, but for myself, the testing process is often the same. Play up, try to push the title into a corner and make the most comprehensive possible turn the game before writing the first words. Test the difficulties vary depending on the product passed screened, obstacles are diverse and their nature is conditioned by the game itself. On this point, there is no set pattern but there is one on which I invariably crashes, whether popular or completely confidential stake is the fateful moment, one without which one could almost say that the test has no place: that assign ratings. There are a multitude of reasons for this, and this difficulty only emphasizes the overall impact of the notation that a real assessment difficulty.
Writing this block is not the longest part of a test, but it is not obvious either.
The rating is sacred, it does not necessarily always we will think about it. Education, and thus a generous part of our progress in intellectual education is conditioned by this: good or bad grades. However, it is necessary to apply the same system to things that are not assessable by numbers, not stupidly mathematics, simply because their perception varies from one individual to another? Can we finally delete the note of a test and not be taken for assessing the arguments of the tester without focusing on a numerical summary that will not necessarily be representative of a 10,000 written characters?
note: Fixed Methodology and subjectivity
We will agree to consider video games as an art in itself, and as a strong subjective dimension comes into account when it comes to assess. The subjectivity is indisputable, but can be greatly attenuated by practical considerations, Commons set registry husked. The life, the technical qualities (optimization, load times, etc.) are for example fixed points on which it is appropriate to use to distribute the good and bad points. One can thus affirm safe to assume that the expectation of a game bug free, well optimized and correct life is common to most players.
The experience of the tester is also an element favoring a rating. Compare to previous titles in the tested game and are placed in the same genus is also good support whether such a title is innovative or not, and need help to identify the note to give. We see it: a lot of factors help the journalist in his assessment, one could also mention the balanced business model or abuse of a free-to-play, the quality / quantity / price and other specific points which will come systematically into account when the time of writing happens.
However, and this is where the charm of any work of art, one can summarize its discovery and assimilation considerations cold and mechanical, and this is where the feeling comes, the grain of sand in the relentless cog in the mathematical evaluation. The game phase will generate emotions, frustrations and different pleasures according to the person who tries it. And the tester is no exception to the rule, his feelings necessarily come into play, even if he tries to be as objective world. If the crossing of the game was evaluated source of anger, frustration or, conversely, undisguised pleasure, like it or not, the impact on the note will be real, not necessarily determinative nor necessarily conscious, but real .
So concluding a written note is the result of a reflection leaving plenty of room to objective criteria, and to a less significant but existing subjectivity. The journalist can not claim to absolute truth, nor speak for the “average player” whose profile does not exist. To my mind, trying to write a test to satisfy everyone would be a grotesque mistake to only write the light of its objective criteria that would make the clinical test and barren . The process of evaluating a game by taking into account the personal feelings would be to abandon the basics of specialized journalism and sorely missed the duty of information that results. Thus, the test of a game is made of shades that can easily represented in a single note and some positive and negative points.
There are many profiles as there are players: define a “lambda Profile” is impossible
note as solely responsible for the fast-food consumption test?
C ‘ is one of the thorny issue of the rating system in the video game, together we can find in the chronicles of albums for example, a field in which I served for some time. The question I asked myself at the time was exactly the same as today. How to summarize my text in a note, when I know that my column readers will favor the consultant to forge a preliminary opinion at the expense of writing? On one site to another, be it video games, music, film, scales vary. Some attribute percentages, other notes 10 and our valuation range has always taken the form of a note on 20. Whatever the scale, and excluding reputations and other degrees of severity it seems finally that a test can not be summarized as a note to the detriment of everything that preceded his award. Many of us content ourselves rushing bottom of the page, take a look eye to the conclusion and read the most and least a test, to find out what it is.
To this is added the fact that the test is consumed differently in different profiles who seek a test. It seems to me, I said that I am not based on a feeling, not a concrete study that reading a test meets less a concern for a discovery that will confirm impression that we are already in a particular way. trailers, press releases, visual, news have multiplied, brief information dissemination facilities are such that one Sometimes possess a wealth of knowledge which, if it does not necessarily distort our view of the game, lead us to the test with an idea note almost set in advance. It is actually not uncommon for players estimate before the game’s release note to accompany the test.
In addition, even if we arrive with a blank look of any information on the evaluation of a game that interests us little or less, the first thing we would do would probably be to rush us on conclusion of the block to view the content and the note associated with it and we rush to move to something else if you read it does not suit us. Although not generalities, I should not be far from the truth and admit in this case, somewhat reluctantly, that this is a behavior that I happened to pass and j ‘yet adopted.
As mentioned above, it is first in the shade is made writing a test, and these shades are much more developed and legitimized in the text, which provides Expression of much wider window of a rating ranging from 0 to 20. It is to that extent that we can blame the note not to be the appropriate tool to summarize the thoughts of the author and that we can question its relevance today. Attention far be it from me to say that the writer, justifying his note, can not be affected by the error of assessment , appreciation again conditioned by the person asking the hands on the game. The reading of the entire writing allows however to understand the opinions and conclusions of the editor. The note does not necessarily invite from reading the article and shipped in a matter of seconds while logical reasoning and argued. But it also directly impacts the debate unintentionally skewing its axis of construction.
Whatever form it takes, the final evaluation is based only on the text that accompanies it.
Remove the note to raise the debate?
It is not uncommon, it is even virtually systematic, make a note debate. The exchange of views and arguments clearly is not a bad thing and is encouraged otherwise. This is in my view also in the mix of opposing opinions that is the most accurate assessment of a work of art. The problem is that the note itself is sometimes more debated than the test itself. He also common for disproportionate reactions when the 11/20 editor punishes a game that other players would evaluate more severely or more sympathetically. This is where the debate leveling down.
It happens regularly challenged us to see our notes and is quite frequently we see them challenged the arguments of yet developed pattern in text, evidence that reading is often diagonally. Syndrome Too Long; Did not Read is omnipresent and one might imagine, not without bitterness, finding that the block is now sufficient to form an opinion on the quality and relevance of the test. Being particularly sensitive to the writing, I do not agree and will never share this opinion. No matter what the rating system, whether cash or whether it takes the form of stars, gauge or pictograms, the overall rating of the game always dampen the desire to learn about all of the written. It is not a question of form, it is a question of approach.
Made true, life slice of friend Lespol, about Assassin’s Creed Black Flag
“The game is 15 or 17, but certainly not 16!” An anonymous reader
Delete note or to change?
Still, it should put things in perspective. Is note the great devil that was described in the previous paragraphs? I Do Not. I readily concede does not always wear a watchful eye on it, you’ll understand. However, to dispense completely seems difficult in that it is now a shopping guide, which allows the reader to get a general idea of the game, to confront its own overall assessment of a title to that of tester, but also to align with that of the competition. It allows for the impatient reader to remain free to consult the various Web views in one glance, he is free to read all of the tests if he wishes . In this regard, the note is useful, much less if the behavior of the player is in the attitude mentioned above that involves only be interested in a note, without reading the accompanying text. But the evaluation system would probably evolve to better meet the expectations of readers.
Keep in mind that the video market has changed dramatically in a short time. The games are increasingly delivered in kit and are likely to evolve and refine months after marketing. We are now trying, you’ve probably noticed, to adopt written type “log” for scalable products, MMO being the most representative example. It is a response to changes in the market what it is worth, but allows to adopt more flexible and therefore more relevant in the assessment of a game. But is that enough?
The interpretation of the single note: is it enough to form an opinion
What, for example, note the license annualized era? Should we note, for example, a Far Cry 4 based on changes made since the previous installment, or should we consider that the note is only for players who have never played the franchise? The note would in this case and in many others, quite different. The problem is complex. Should we not take a double minimum rating system? The player who discovers an annual license deserves just as much a test intended for it as customary in the series. If we keep the example of Far Cry 4, the game is very good individually. If you have already returned Far Cry 3, it is not innovative enough to pack you completely. But the annualization of a saga is not the only segment allowing questioning the methods of criticism in a game.
The remastered editions are also a source of conflict when it comes evaluate them. Indeed, if it is not too complicated to refer to test the original game when his successor HD edition a year after its release: what about the old editions duster titles from more than 10 years? Take for example Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Faters – 20th Anniversary Edition or the latest reissue of Grim Fandango. 15-20 years separate these new versions of their original soil. In this case, what number should we attribute when the note was much looks like a cleaver? Should we judge the quality of porting and only this, or the charms of a game successfully at the time to meet the expectations of players who have changed so much in a decade? The answer to this question lies in research to know what target are these reissues. The problem is that the answer is twofold: a late reissue might as well apply to the “old” eager to revive an expensive adventure in their hearts as young players keen to discover a new world
The Gaming Live anniversary edition of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Faters – 20th Anniversary Edition: how to evaluate a reissue
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