Sunday, May 31, 2015

Bac 2015: my daughters are in a poorly rated school, so what? I tell them … – The Obs

Many believe that success in school is a misplaced mission impossible (O. MORIN / AFP)

Mea culpa.

I’m probably a bad mother … I confess: I put my two daughters in a large impersonal high school, where the teachers do not know surely if and where dialogue should be hard and the results are in the bin below the national average of 10 % …

No fear!

I trusted my girls

Why this choice made knowingly? I myself am a teacher in a public establishment whose results at GCSE are below the national average.

However, teaching is good and students who give it the trouble and do their “business” student, are doing well and succeed. So I trusted the institution, my colleagues from school and especially my daughters!

This school has not really bad reputation, no more extortion problem , drugs, violence elsewhere because if it had been, I would never have put my children. It would have been prohibitive

And finally, I was right: the elder there pursued an education quite satisfactory, it got its bin there three years and is currently pursuing graduate studies . My other daughter is currently in first and I’m not particularly worried

But I am and have always been vigilant. I stand abreast of their assessments and their results by asking their notes. I’ll recover the quarterly newsletter, which gives me the opportunity to meet the head teacher and thus establish a direct contact.

If there had been any problems, I would not hesitate to intervene in case of serious breach, change the setting.

I would not send my children to pipe puzzle

Before continuing their education in this school located in the suburbs of Lyon, my children have been educated in a good school and had a good foundation for further studies, so I have not had anxiety as to the choice of the high school.

If this had not happened, I would have probably been more reluctant and I might have tried to enroll at another institution.

Being teacher myself in this sector of high school college, I had a good knowledge upstream of the public who frequent this establishment and its weaknesses, especially a direction that was not up but has since changed.

Many parents make this choice and are desperate to enroll their child in a better school. I know parents who do not hesitate to rent an apartment, or even a garage in the area to be a mailbox.

That’s going a bit far, but some do not hesitate to do everything for their children in a school that has good results.

I can understand the stress of studying, I am, it seems to me, quite well placed to know. Obviously, I am not a suicide bomber and I would not send my children to snack pipe!

The references that especially flatters parents

Like every parent I imagine, I was anxious the day the results of the tank but I would have been just as if my daughter had attended a “good” school. I was relieved and happy when my daughter called me (she had not wanted me to come see results with it) and she told me she did it!

True, she did not mention which – and here I’m going to scream over one – is not important except perhaps if we want to integrate a large school, it mainly flatters parents!

My girls have not expressed a wish to go to another top ranked high school. If that were the case, the question to include them in another school would perhaps be raised.

As parents, we must be attentive to his children but we also know reassure them and trust them. A child who does not work will not result in his tank in a well-rated high school than in an institution well below the national average: you can not make it drink a donkey that is not thirsty



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