Monday, May 23, 2016

“Our leaders lack foresight, professionalism and … –

with Alba Ventura, Loïc Farge

” Loss of authority “” impotence “,” sense of lawlessness “: this is how Nicolas Sarkozy called, Sunday, May 22 on TF1, the action of the Government and the President to face thugs and potential shortages. The charge is violent. But the opportunity was too good to miss. Besides the “Holland Bashing” is the leitmotif of the right . All participated this weekend.

First Jean-François Copé, prompted the Grand Jury RTL, to which Hollande is “unfit for command.” Then Bruno Le Maire, for which there is “more authority at the top of the State” and that attacks including Manuel Valls he accuses of being on the move Israel as the country is desperate. In the same verve, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, support of Alain Juppé, has not failed to point out that “François Hollande would better handle the situation in the country rather than launching the presidential campaign.”

At the Elysee, “it’s peaceful”

All this is fair enough. The left would have done the same thing. It is so obvious to type on this government and this president that refer constantly the image of a power that does not decide. Francois Hollande also because of the lack of authority the mark of his mandate. Elysee even said that the authority is not part of the operation of Francois Hollande. The castle, they say. “Here it is peaceful”

The problem is that the ability to decide, to decide, to show where we are going, not to become overwhelmed these are essential attributes to a head of state and government, especially in a climate of tension as we saw at this time .

Some ministers s’ complain. Lorsqu’Emmanuel Macron states that “the French are tired of the disorder,” it is obviously addressed to the unions, but stressed the confusion in power, lack of firmness. But the harshest accusation is not as that of the Minister of Economy than Thierry Mandon, the Minister of Research and Higher Education. In the Journal du Dimanche , he said that “our machine decide idles” .

Inability to decide

this is not a direct attack on the authority of Francois Hollande, but a charge against these rulers who have not adapted their software. Hollande is among them. This is an attack against all those rulers who are still not able to make a law which make no expertise, no preparation, no advance. As he said, “the economic and social impacts of the Labour Law would have deserved more” (to put it mildly, but we perhaps would not be there today).

This is the same that provided during the discussion on deprivation of nationality – “prepared, he said, no matter how” – that the government was in the wall. Anyway after reading the interview with Thierry Mandon, it is clear that the crux of the decision lies in the inability to decide or decide in haste, when he is not about to make laws under the of emotion or electioneering target.

when you do not know make decisions when one contradicts himself all the time, it’s all your authority is undermined. This interview is a form of discourse on method . An interview that we should drag in the kit of young MPs when they arrive at the Assembly, and they dream of becoming ministers. Because what he says is that beyond the question of authority must be providing, reliable and consistent. Three qualities that are lacking in present rulers, left and right.

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