The last winter day announced two weeks ago is finally here and, as announced, brings many balance changes, an overhaul of Destroyer, hang gliding Central Tyrie, the Festival Lunar New Year, and many other things. Here are the patch notes for the update of January 26.
IU of ‘Improved squad
- Squads now have access to the squad markers.
- The squad markers can be placed on places, objects, players and NPC to target.
- There are eight types of markers, each with a color and a unique symbol.
- See the “Squad” Control Options menu [F11] to see the shortcuts associated with the investment and withdrawal of markers.
- The new category “Groups” was added to the General Options menu [F11] and displays the following options:
- Choose the display of all icons Commander
- Using the simplified UI group (previously available in the User Interface options)
- Deleting all markers squad, regardless shortcuts, which avoids having to delete the position markers and objects separately
- The squad leaders can now designate lieutenants to handle administrative tasks. Lieutenants will be allowed to perform the following actions:
- Invitation and withdrawal of players
- Manage subgroups (except moving the commander or other lieutenants)
- Message Broadcast
- Placement and removal squad markers
- The list of available actions for commanders, lieutenants and squad members is listed in the table below.
- In the filter list of chat channels, a new check box to display the messages of the squad has been added to the options Messages set. Check this box will display informational messages related to the squad (promotion a lieutenant, placement of a marker …) in the chat window.
Vol hang gliding in Tyria Central
- The hang gliding is now available in the central Tyria. The master of hang gliding unlocked in “ Heart of Thorns ” will be used in the maps of the central Tyrie:
- Unlock control Principles hang gliding now allows the player to fly in paragliding in the maps Central Tyria and Heart Maguuma.
- The hang gliding is available in all cities and maps of the open world, with the exception of some fly zones to prevent abuse.
- The hang gliding will not be available in dungeons and instances in Story Mode Central Tyria.
- The hang gliding will not be available in PvP and McM except the Heart of the Mists.
Lunar New Year
- Celebrate the Year of the Monkey God at Promontory.
- Lunar New Year festivities are back to honor the spirit of the Monkey.
- Collect and open the envelopes chance to win lucky species, delicious food, fireworks, precious objects and a chance to find new backpacks Lucky Monkey.
- Talk to Phaedra at Crown Pavilion to buy precious divine luck envelopes.
- Redeem chance essences with Fionn, in your guild hall to buy the red lantern decorations.
- The red lanterns can be used by illustrators to produce six new festive decorations.
- Play against your enemies and win the victory in the Dragonball arena.
- Talk to Finolla to Crown Pavilion to enter the arena and prove your worth.
- Earn innings to earn coupons Dragonball champion and exchange the divine chance against the envelopes.
- The festivities will end on February 9.
The club beer of the month Monastery Eldvin
- A new collection of objects was created for lovers of Tyrian beer. Talk to brewmaster Desch Metz, the Monastery Eldvin in the Valley of the Queen, to join the club of beer of the month. Once a month, each club member visiting one of the main cities of Tyria will receive a package containing at stake craft beer of the month. After having collected the twelve drinks, club members will receive an exclusive title, a look back brewer bag and guild decoration to honor their love of good things.
Retouching the world
- Deep green:
- Fixed a bug that allowed the veteran chak appear below level 80 during the event “Eliminate chaks present on the feeding area of the beetle larvae. “.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the bat matriarch to become hostile in the event “Kill the champion bats so that Nokta can bring their animals to the camp. “Which in blocking progress.
- Support the Allies now contribute to participation for the rewards by killing enemies and dealing damage to bosses of events. The actions listed below contribute to your participation up to a certain percentage of damage from target ally for several seconds. Moreover, reducing distrust bar of an enemy also contribute to participation for the rewards associated with this enemy. To prevent players to get in missing after activating auras conferring benefits, it will be necessary to actively attack the target to receive a reward. Here is the list of valid actions:
- You give benefits to an ally (low percentage).
- You dispel the alterations suffered by an ally (low percentage).
- You revive an ally (high percentage).
- You are nursing an ally (percentage based on the amount of aid granted).
- Added a checkbox “Show all usable objects” on the General tab in the Options window.
- Added a new shortcut option in the Control Options – Targeting:
- Enable automatic matching: enable / disable automatic matching
- Disable automatic matching: Disable automatic matching when the button is pressed
- Enable Ground movement targeting: activates / deactivates the movement of the ground targeting for ground targeting skills
- Added a new shortcut option in the Options menu control – Camera:
- Disable mode of action: disable the camera action when the button is pressed
- Fixed an illustration improperly used by the Arena category button in the reserve panel of the guild.
- Changing certain card bonus rewards to more quickly acquire different types of fabric and leather crafting materials.
- Fixed a bug affecting the retargeting skill that allowed players to retarget a knockout jurisdiction over another enemy and interrupt.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players servants to deal damage with mushrooms treasure.
- Adjust the minimum score required for the adventure Combat Castagn whack-o-matic in the Channel Rata Novus green depths of 230 to 200. The time was increased from 2 min to 2 min 30.
- Compact refueling network merchants now display the mastery required to access their products.
- The level of fractal can now be selected in the Observatory Gardebrume by interacting with the control panel located near the entry.
- Fractal daily successes will be displayed by default within the Fractals of the Mists instead of daily success.
- The next level of difficulty of fractals can be selected 5 levels earlier in the group search tool (Y).
- Increase the time of deactivation of reflective crystals in the solid fractal ocean of 1 to 5 minutes.
- Fixed a bug that immunisait grawl the shaman volcanic fractal against control effects.
- Fixed a bug that incorrectly displayed the warning message “This world is saturated. “.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the monstrous jellyfish fractal aquatic remove ruins of resistance in agony players when she devoured.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to duplicate the crystals reflecting the fractal solid ocean.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to duplicate stones impregnated into volcanic fractal.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to move the image of the Fusion in the fractal boss of the Merger.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand on the roof of the hut Moussu to avoid receiving damage in the fractal of the marsh.
Reset Health bosses
- The health of the monstrous Medusa now resets when she leaves combat in fractal aquatic ruins.
- The health of Big Tom is now reset when leaving the fight in ungraded fractal.
- The health of the Anomaly Thaumanova now resets when she leaves combat in the Fractal Reactor Thaumanova.
- The health of Mossy and gluestock now resets when they leave the fight in the fractal of the marsh.
- Increase the amount of magnetite fragments obtained by missing an event or boss by killing in the minds of the Valley .
- There will be no need to enter the name of auric sharpening stones to remove them.
- The Predator IV – “Agreement fulfilled: Captain Wiley ‘defeat Captain Wiley gives points even when it is not part of the event
- Fixed several text displayed in the legendary collections.
- The oni blade can now be obtained in the mystic forge.
- Ydalir: Fixed price karma of dragon scale ice sold by Rojan
- The queen of bees preserved no longer enjoys glossy effects.
- Hope IV – spider venom enraged Queen: Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the queen spider to appear
- Use the magnanimous donation now file the Yuletide gifts tree in the personal area of the user. Players who did not receive the tree using the gift now find it in their personal area.
- The successes associated with Grawnk can again be completed outside Wintersday if they are started during the festival.
professional skills
- Fortitude and other effects of stamina regeneration ( like abilities) can now earn up to 100% bonus regeneration rate.
- trinkets infused and affinity can now be recycled.
- Coups de grace: the completion of the enemies will no longer be affected by the effects such as Haste or Slow
- resuscitation: a revitalization allies will no longer be affected by the effects such as Haste or Slow
- Slow Speed and no longer affect most defense capabilities. The capacities of both offensive and defensive as frantic or mist gun Crosse will always be affected at this time.
- The default ground targeting effect has been customized for each profession.
- Diamond Skin: This ability will now dispels the changes when you are hit and you are below a certain threshold health. The health level was reduced from 90 to 75%. This effect has an internal cooldown of 1 second.
- Earth Upheaval: the duration cast this skill has been reduced from 3.25 to 2 seconds
- Auras: duration of all Auras activated skills has been reduced to 4 seconds
- Powerful Aura: duration auras granted by this ability has been reduced by 5 to 4 seconds
- Elementary Bastion: the duration of the Frost Aura granted by this ability has been reduced by 5 to 4 seconds
- Conduit unstable: the duration auras granted by this ability has been reduced by 5 to 4 seconds
- Fire Shield: The cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 40 to 25 seconds
- Barrier rocks: the backlash cast this skill has been reduced by 0.6 seconds
- Barrier rocks – Start: Damage projected rocks were increased by 10%
- Shatterstone: the time of explosion of that competence has been reduced by 2 to 1 second. The cooldown has been increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
- Gale: The cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 50 to 40 seconds. This attack can not be blocked. The skill description has been updated to correctly display unlike the reversal of time between PvP (1 second) and PvE (2 seconds).
- Fresh air: in addition to the current cooldown of affinity, this ability now grants Ferocity bonus 250 points (depending on the level) for 5 seconds when you enter an affinity with the air <. /> li>
- Lightning Orb: the attack of this competence now triggers once the target has been neutralized and no longer simultaneously
- Earth overload: fixed a bug that allowed this overvoltage protection to confer an additional bonus pulsating instead a second per pulse. Fixed a bug that allowed to monitor the remaining damage Elementalist once the surge.
- Lightning Orb: The skill description has been updated to indicate the correct damage per hit. The scope of the projectiles has been increased from 300 to 360.
- Health insurance: healing granted by this ability has been increased from 15 to 33%
- Automatic medical Reaction: the ability of the cooldown has been increased from 90 to 120 seconds
- bombs dispenser in self-defense: This ability cooldown has been reduced from 30 to 20 seconds
- Shield covering: the radius of this ability has been increased by 240-360
- soothing Detonation: basic cure of this ability has been increased by 100%
- Field Medical dispersion: the radius of this ability has been increased by 240-360
- Power Sursaut: reduction of this ability cooldown has been increased by 20-33%
- Salve terrassante: The damage of this ability has been increased by 33%
- Quick Load the cooldown of this skill has been increased from 10 to 12 seconds
- stealth Gyrocopter: the cooldown on this ability has been increased from 20 to 40 seconds
- Review Expert: Fixed an issue that prevented this ability to function properly with gyroplanes explosions
- Core stabilization: This ability has been merged with final Salve
- Perfectly weighted: This ability has been moved to Expert level. The stability afforded by this ability has been reduced from February to January load.
- New ability – Ardour applied: Haste you get when you get power above a certain threshold
- Sceptre zealous: the number of loads of power conferred by this ability has increased a load for 10 seconds to 2 loads 10 seconds when the passive effect of Virtue of Justice starts.
- Spirit angry: Retaliation duration has been increased from 3 to 4 seconds
- valiant defender: the robustness afforded by the use of a shield fell from 180-240
- Rampart reinvigorated: the duration of this effect has been increased from 10 to 30 seconds
- resuscitation and Protection: This ability also increases the resuscitation rate of 10%
- Purge alteration: the number of dissipated alterations was increased from one to two
- Contemplation of Purity: The cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 60 to 40 seconds
- scourge of sign: the cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 40 to 30 seconds
- Sign of the judgment: The cooldown of this skill has been reduced from 30 to 25 seconds
- Sanctuary: The cooldown of this skill has been reduced from 120 to 90 seconds
- Wings resolution: this skill is no longer affected by the changes and benefits of such movements and qu’Infirmité Speed . This skill is active as soon as possible without waiting for the previous have been launched.
- Test of faith: the initial damage of this ability has been reduced from 66% to 50% of total damage of the trap for a damage reduction of 25%. The effects of this trap have been updated to trigger less frequently.
- Mouth of the Dragon: increased radius of the barrier 90 to 120. The length of the barrier has been reduced from 6 to 4 seconds. The effects of this trap have been updated to trigger less frequently.
- Procession of blades: the effects of this trap have been updated to trigger less frequently
- piercing light: Dazed duration of this ability has been reduced from 1 to 0.5 seconds. Amazement is no longer possible to block when this ability is used with test of faith.
- Feedback: this skill is targeting the ground and no longer target need to use
- Mental Defence: the ability of this recharge is no longer affected by sign ether
- ethereal Clone: this skill no longer produces clone if the player has already revealed the maximum number of illusions. It deals instead Torment 2 load for 5 seconds.
- Chaos Armor: This skill no longer Blindness inflicts on enemies. Instead, it inflicts Weakness for 3 seconds. Speed and duration of Confusion was increased from 3 to 5 seconds.
- chaotic Mitigation: Protection time has been reduced by 5 to 4 seconds
- Discipline duelist: the chance to inflict bleeding conferred by this ability has increased from 33-50%. The duration of bleeding was increased by 5 to 6 seconds.
- Mantra restoration: scaling the healing of this ability has been increased by 400%. The care provided by this ability is now correctly displayed in the combat log.
- furious Interruption: the cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 5 to 3 seconds
- dodge Mirror: the duration of this ability has been increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds
- Mistrust: the number of charges of Confusion granted by this ability has been increased by 2 to 4
- malicious Witchcraft: increased attack speed granted by this ability has increased from 15 to 20%
- Disillusionment salutary: the Resistance period granted by this ability within a radius has been reduced from 5 to 2.5 seconds
- Enchant time: the Resistance period granted by this ability has been reduced by 3 to 2 seconds
- precognition wells: the well confers more Invulnerability. Instead, it grants Aegis for 3 seconds each pulse.
- euphoria: the effects of this benefit has been reduced and now give a reduction from 33% cooldown instead of 66%
- Dark Pact: This skill now converts two alterations advantages in addition to its initial effects
- Putrid Curse: This skill now converts one advantage alteration in addition to its initial effects
- advantage of Corruption: this skill now converts 3 alterations advantages in addition to its initial effects. The cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 40 to 15 seconds.
- Sang weakening: this skill now converts one advantage weathering
- Shroud weakening: the effect triggered by this ability now converts one advantage alteration
- Features vampirisants: projectiles created by combos performed with the fields of darkness heal you when you put on the shroud
- Spiteful Spirit: on this ability cooldown has been removed. The attack of this ability is now called “malicious spirit” in the combat log instead of “Unholy Feast” and its particle effects have been updated.
- Darkness chilling: the internal cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 5 to 3 seconds
- inflexible Burst: This ability will no longer pierces enemies
- Explosion of life / Explosion calamitous: these skills now pierce the enemy default
- Nova chilling: Fixed a bug preventing this ability from firing when jumping or under water
- Spiral Soul: fixed a bug that prevented this ability to trigger strokes by swirling underwater
- Nova chilling: the cooldown has been reduced from 10 to 8 seconds. Fixed a bug which reduced the impact of the ray nova.
- curative. Source: Corrected an issue that allowed this ability to activate twice the curative source
- Revenge of nature: the benefits from this ability will now align the rover advantage of the time
- concealed Manabarbs: increased damage from bleeding increased from 20-33%
- “Search and Rescue! “: This skill has been redesigned. You order your now familiar to teleport near an ally to the ground nearby and begin to revive him while giving Regeneration to allies.
- “Guard! “: This skill has been redesigned. You order your now familiar protect nearby allies by absorbing a certain amount of damage inflicted on them and giving you power.
- “Protect me! “: This skill has been redesigned. Now it dissipates Dizziness and gives you protection. Your pet inflicts Incitement to the next enemy that attacks you.
- resounding stamp: the action radius of this ability has been increased by 360-600
- instinctive reaction: increased power obtained as a function of Healing increased from 7-13%
- instinctive reflexes: the duration of vigor conferred by this skill has been increased from 5 to 8 seconds
- Training expertise: Term of the alteration of this ability has been increased from 20 to 33%
- vigorous training: duration of vigor conferred by this skill has been increased from 5 to 10 seconds
- backpacker Defence: the chance to destroy projectiles when you run a melee attack has been increased from 25 to 50%
- Axes sharp: Ferocity bonus granted by this ability has been increased from 150 to 250
- Predator Assault: The damage bonus granted by this ability to enemies Immobilization victims of displacement or other alterations were increased by 10-15%
- Fixed a bug that could replace the familiar selected during character creation by a river drake during the connection if the familiar origin was not familiar amphibian and no submarine had not been unlocked.
- Preparation Blow: The damage of this ability has been reduced by 11%
- brutal Blade: The damage of this ability has been reduced by 20%
- explosive Breach: The damage of this ability has been reduced by 10%
- Relentless Assault: the number of attacks this skill has been reduced from 7 to 5. The damage of each hit has been increased by 10%. The strikes are no longer affected by the temporal effects. Celerity conferred no benefit and Slow prevented the attack hit.
- Surgical Strike: This skill has been redesigned and is now launching three projectiles on up to three targets. If there are less than three targets, the projectile will be launched on other available targets. The duration of Frost has been reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds.
- Destruction Coalescence: The cooldown on this ability has been increased from 2 to 4 seconds. Enemies can now be affected by this ability once every 0.5 seconds.
- Avoidance unwavering: This ability now has an internal cooldown of 5 seconds
- Crystal Hibernation: basic care by level of this skill has been reduced by 36%. This also affects Bastion soothing.
- Facet of Light: the activation of this facet is no longer instant, she cast a duration of 0.25 seconds
- Repli: skincare values of this skill has been increased by 10%
- Double Strike: The damage done by this ability has been increased by 42%
- Lotus Strike: The damage done by this ability has been increased by 29%. The point of attack was advanced to 0.06 seconds and the backlash cast was reduced by 0.35 seconds.
- Shadow Shot: This skill now triggers correctly Award of the murderer, even if it fails
- Shadow Strike: This skill now triggers correctly Award of the murderer, even if it fails
- Trenching: the point of attack of this skill has been increased from 0.16 seconds
- Slash: the backlash cast this skill has been reduced by 0.1 seconds
- debilitating Strike: the point of attack of this skill has been increased by 0.08 seconds, its aftermath cast was reduced by 0.48 seconds
- Basilisk Venom: As you enjoy the effects of this venom, your attacks can not be blocked
- camouflaged Thief: This ability now grants a movement speed bonus of 50% when you get Stealth
- fugitive Shadow: This ability is now called quick reflexes. It gives you more of a movement speed bonus when you get Stealth, but instead gives you Evasion for 2 seconds if your health is below 50%. This ability has an internal cooldown of 40 seconds.
- With feline: the duration of Fortitude granted by this ability has been increased from 4 to 5 seconds
- Reaction to pain: This ability now clears Torment in addition to current changes
- protected Initiation: This ability now clears Confusion in addition to current alterations. The health level was reduced from 90 to 75%.
- Balance rogue: This ability also grants a damage bonus to sword attacks and spear 5%
- Reward of the murderer: the basic care by level of this skill has been increased by about 50% and its share-based healing has been increased by 70%
- Feed length: This ability now grants Regeneration for 6 seconds when you retrieve the initiative


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