Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Vannes. The application note Yummy dishes from restaurants – West France

Who has never found helpless before a restaurant menu? Until now, to choose flat, there was the opportunity to go with chance or better to take a look in the basis of his neighbor.

Now, simply unsheathe his smartphone and open the new application Miam.En few clicks, you will discover virtually the map of most institutions around photo rating and various dishes from other users. Not to mention the price.

Book in a few clicks The search can also be done on a favorite dish. All the restaurants offer then appear. With the classification of the best risottos, burgers or pizzas in town … This is the average of dishes that give the overall score of the restaurant, “and not the smile of the waitress or the speed of service, as on most other market applications, “ says Jeremy Vannetais Plasseraud, co-founder of the company developing the app.

functionality to reserve a table in three clicks has also been added. “But we can imagine even offer other services. “

After having had the idea of ​​Miam in August 2015, he opened a Facebook page to test the concept. And it was soon packed. 1000, 10,000, 50,000 and 165,000 people now follow it throughout France.

“I was aware that the concept was viable but I did not have all the expertise. “ That’s why he teamed with Francois Larvor and Olivier David, the founders of Vannes Miwim, site successful publisher offering Internet coupons, redeemed by the world number one” online couponing ” .

pretty and practical application with them, he has succeeded in developing a simple application, as pretty and practical! Together, they reflected on the business plan. “The app is free and will remain so. One can imagine to pay about reservations. But nothing is yet decided. We want to create use before validating our business model. “

By creating Yum, at no time did Jeremy Plasseraud said it would revolutionize the world of catering. “My wish was just to solve a personal problem: order a dish being sure not to be wrong. It turns out that, obviously, I’m not the only big greedy with this expectation … “

Tested valves This is above that bet the entrepreneur and his associates. For if for the time the application downloaded from this week through the Apple Store, is tested in Vannes (170 affiliated restaurants, 120 burgers …), it should soon be extended to larger towns before covering the all of France. And why not more …


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