Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Radicalisation in the policy: a concern confidential note – Le Parisien

In the crackling of police radio traffic, he prefers … the verses of the Quran and Arabic texts he listens religiously during his working hours on his tablet computer with headphones. The young police officer drew the attention of his colleagues. Since a trip to Reunion, it would not be the same, obsessed by his faith.

“While on patrol, he had taken advantage of a stop at the bakery to go get burqas to his companion, “explains the confidential note of the nearby security management in the Paris area. At last, it is always peacekeeper in Gennevilliers (Hauts-de-Seine).

“She came out of the changing rooms covered serving a hijab”

Among the transgression of the principle of secularism behaviors identified by the PP, the uniforms is a recurring theme of tension, especially at the Ladies. On 2 October 2014, a supervisor, according to the XII th arrondissement, describes his pants “the Republic of dirt rag,” wiping his hands on. “She then went out of the changing rooms covered serving a hijab (note: the Islamic veil) “, warns the leadership of the urban police. Called to order by his superiors, she would have replied that the “law prohibits exhibitionism.” In addition, an account under his name on social networks alerted the intelligence services. Posts after the attacks in January 2015 turns the complotistes and antisemitic views evoking “the hidden shootout mounted by Zionist queer” [...] “You have to skin them,” she threatens. She did not return his service, refused to remove her veil in front of the chief physician.

“This is Islam will dominate the world”

a friend and colleague of the same official, also radicalized, was arrested in a pro-Palestinian demonstration unauthorized organized Place du Trocadero in July 2014. She chanted: “Israel murderer, Holland accomplice! “” During the court proceedings, she refused to remove her veil and adopt an attitude of opposition to all stages of the investigation, “said the note from the PP. The official, who is forbidden to shake hands with the men in her service, was initially sentenced to a simple reminder of the law. At the end of a visit to the doctor-head of the administration, where she was presented with her veil, she improvised a prayer in the street, “after having spread his cloak on the ground outside the property “. The police even refused to join in the minute of silence in memory of his colleague Ahmed Merabet and journalists killed in the attack on “Charlie Hebdo”, explaining that she “can not pay this tribute to people who insult (his) religion. ” After being summoned to explain it sent to officers investigating the following email: “complotistes plotters !!!! [...] I am not Charlie !!!! “. The officer complained of sanctions taken against him, “It is Islam which will dominate the world. These harassments have an end for us, all Muslims. “It ended up being revoked in June, colleagues caring for their own safety.

In the same vein, a peacekeeper of Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis) is under the coup investigation for incitement to racial hatred. According to the PP, “April 2013 [she] had posted several messages on Facebook containing the Koran, statements in praise of Allah and images from sites promoting the hijab.” It would especially be online insults to France and Israel.

“I am ashamed to wear blue”

in December 2015, a post officer in the XVII th district laments his private Facebook: “what the country are deployed military forces to protect a community + another? ? Since when our dear secular country became casherisé? ? Yes, despite my background, I am outraged that the French Government takes the lives of Jews + as any ordinary citizen … “Before moving to the threat of record:” I still + ashamed to wear blue . If I were instead of terrorists, it would long since I’d fart Elysee and all enc … who work there. “Judged on 22 January in Paris for incitement to an act of terrorism, she was relaxed view, in particular, a” chaotic personal history. ” The prosecution appealed the decision and remains suspended today.

He alleged a mutation on the day of a Jewish festival

isolationism concerns not only of Muslim agents and converted. An official treasurer of a Jewish community organization specialized in the prosecution of anti-Semitic acts, claiming € 100,000 to the state, citing injury due to his religion. He complains of anti-Semitic would have given one of his colleagues, a less rapid progress that Muslim officials and, finally, to have been transferred from II th in the ninth th district … He had to make his cartoons the day of a Jewish holiday.


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