Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Training for the unemployed. The State will pay the note – The Telegram

Training for the unemployed. The state will pay the note

It was a major unknowns related to the announcement of the plan of 500,000 additional training for the unemployed: who would pay? The state or Regions that will drive training? Yesterday, the government committed to “offset any extra effort” communities.

“Prior to that region engages in the plan is that it maintains its effort training. In addition, further efforts will be compensated by the state, “said the office of Myriam El Khomri. An “extra effort” of a billion euros, the ministry said. The social partners of career paths securing the Joint Fund will add “between 110 and 130 million euros.”

The “plan 500,000″ will be based on a “blended training” short and long, composed training to “basic skills” and “pre-qualification” and qualification for unemployed low-skilled training to “shortage occupations” or “more extensive training for careers tomorrow” for the unemployed long-term with a higher level of qualification.

a total of one million training should be provided to job seekers this year, against about 500,000 in 2015.

they can training organizations cope with such an influx? “In recent months, they complained that their turnover had dropped significantly and their trainers were underutilized because of the establishment of the account staff training in 2015 … Then we take them at their word. Now they have the opportunity to catch up on the year 2016 and quite a massive way, “replied the ministry.


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