Monday, March 14, 2016

Finland may see its credit rating deteriorated further … – Reuters

HELSINKI March 14 (Reuters) – Finland could see its further lowered credit rating this year after the downgrade announced Friday by the Fitch rating agency, of “AAA” to “AA +”, because of the difficulties of country to resume significant growth, analysts say.

following the decision by Fitch, Moody’s alone still grants Finland the maximum sovereign rating, but with a negative outlook. Standard & amp; Poor’s awarded it a rating “AA +” with a negative outlook.

“Moody’s will likely lower its rating, and it possible that S & amp; P degrades the note to a lower level during the year,” said Jan von Gerich, analyst at Nordea


the S & amp announcement; P on the note of Finland is expected Friday, while Moody’s has to make public its rating in June.

Described as “the sick man of Europe “by his Finance Minister Alexander Stubb, Finland suffers from high labor costs, an aging population and the change in scope of Nokia after the sale of its mobile phones to the US Microsoft.

The European Commission will provide limited growth to 0.5% this year, its lowest forecast for a country of the European Union except Greece. (Jussi Rosendahl and Dhara Ranasinghe; Julie Carriat for the French service, edited by Patrick Vignal)

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