Sunday, August 14, 2016



I.DU GENERAL COUNCIL UPCEn the implementation of resolutions of the Steering Committee of the UPC requesting the establishment as soon as possible of this General Council and in response to interpellations many executives who asked me to intervene without delay “to save the party,” I have the honor to present below a list of twenty seven (27) comrades, combining their efforts in a common strategic vision, could contribute to the recovery of the Great UPC and allow it to respond effectively to the great challenges. They are:


 a) maquis veterans : 1. Njassep Mathieu (Ben Bella), 2. Ngoule Njapa Job (Eduardo Castelo), 3. Nzale (Liberty), 4. Eyenga Sedan (Da Sylva) 5. ZE ZE Samuel (Augusto) 6. Ngouo Woungly-Massaga (Cdt Kissamba Cdt and Gama)


 b) The main leaders of the UPC of the Faithful : 7. Professor Moukoko Priso (Elenga Mbuyinga), 8 Ing. Same ndema Alexis (Albert Kondi) 9. Ing. Dr. Albert Moutoudou (Zé Nbarga), 10. and 11. Kingue Etouke Bata ba Bayemi

 c) main collaborators of Cdt Kissamba : 12. Jean-Pierre Djemba (Obam) and 13.Christ Afana;


 d) main leaders of Manidem (legalized political party) and similar : 14. Ekane Anicet (Kai) 15. Ing. Hebga Dieudonné, 16. Dikoume Mbonjo 17. Ms. Henriette Ekwe (Nyangono) 18. Prof. Sami Mbongo (Ondoua)


 e) Former leaders of the legal UPC : 19. Prof. HENRI HOGBE NLEND, 20. Rev. Njami Simon Bolivar Wandji, 21. admi. Civil MOUAHA Charlot, 22. Veteran Antoine Yembel Nyébel, 23. Prof. Jean Bahebeck; and


 f) other major cadres of the movement upéciste : 24. Mboua Massok said the fighter, 25. Dr. Daniel Yagnye (Dipoko Maxime, Dimax) 26. Nono Theophile (Njami Sadrack) and 27. Dr. Albert Douffissa (Okwonko).


 It should be noted here that the General Council does not replace the Directorate recognized by the letter of Minat / d of June 22, 2016, he played the role of a Council of Sages and must help this department to ensure the redeployment in the UPC force the entire national territory and in all areas. It did not appear serious we retain in this list of comrades who are discredited as singers of the ruling to the point of being a foil for other upécistes and for the people. It remains open to representatives of parties and groups who recognize the “upéciste family” and want to work effectively for change as part of a Great UPC



 We declare our commitment to work in peace and for a non-violent transition. The regime to respond by opening to the grooming of the Electoral Code, accepting a National Electoral Commission (CENI) and releasing the expression of political parties today locked by sub-prefects covered by the hierarchy.

Only a Great gathered UPC may present valid election with a pretty fair electoral code. It is therefore vital that the next Party Congress devoted gathering of the UPC, and already, the General Council reflected this unitary strategic vision. Difficulties to overcome this common strategic vision are at three levels:


 Convince each other out of a primary radicalism to understand the equal importance of legality and legitimacy, and allow a UPC Grande to enjoy the one and the other.

 Get comrades MANIDEM legalized party, they incorporate the legal UPC, as the PSP in 1994 (and why not the reverse, that all patriots join the Manidem? We will tell).

 Neutralize the current drift of some comrades to alienate the UPC in DPRK for a ministerial post

 The conditions to overcome these difficulties are largely favorable today

:; At the first level, the historical record of the radical marginality. <- -

!> speaks of himself

the second level, the comrades of Manidem know that we have the largest gathering upéciste gold possible in the eyes of people like the eyes of Paul Biya, the legality of the historical party has more weight than any other. It remains whether integrating the legal UPC comrades of Manidem really will advance the struggle, and if we can neutralize the opportunist drift that the regime wants to encourage by all means

third level, the battle of the money we will build


just at the current leaders of the party elected no upéciste at any level whatsoever shall not refuse to proclaim that he is accountable to no one, our texts stating that all the chosen level is accountable to those who elected them and through them to the people (elementary principle of democracy)

the UPC does not work by imitation, or by reference to what is done in of other parties, but against its own organic laws and its own laws.

 We therefore ask the Steering Committee at its next meeting in three months, to show the greatest firmness on this point forward that is likely to tarnish the image and undermine the credibility of our glorious party.

Long live the great UPC strength vanguard of the struggle for change


© Correspondence: Ngouo Woungly-Massaga Cdt Kissamba And Cdt Gama, Veteran Of The UPC and The KNLA


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