Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Le Bataclan targeted since 2010? Cazeneuve saw “no note … – the Parliamentary Channel – National Assembly

The Bataclan was he doing, or not, the subject of a specific threat of attack since 2010? The State could he prevent the tragedy that occurred in November 2015? In any case the assertion of the mother of Céline Vannier, a young woman who died in 2009 in the bombing of Cairo. Monday, Bernard Cazeneuve has not validated this hypothesis during his hearing by the committee of inquiry on the means used by the State to fight against terrorism.

“To keep established hastily links “

I can not provide answers by seeking in the secrecy of the investigation, because even I do not have those items then “, has previously accused the interior minister. Before discussing the various protagonists of this issue, and recalled that the investigation into the bombing of Cairo was still in progress.

Bernard Cazeneuve then invited everyone to “ keep themselves hastily establish links “between the attack in Cairo and the Bataclan, that” only “investigation” will establish if any ” .

the named Farouk Ben Abbes ( Belgian of Tunisian origin, indicted in an investigation into a planned attack aimed at the Bataclan, ed) n has not, to my knowledge, is the subject of proceedings in this case any more than Clain brothers. I then recalled that he was arrested and charged in connection with a second case (. ..) and received (…) of a non-place in 2012 “, the minister explained.

” generic threat “to theaters

If it is true, adds Bernard Cazeneuve, a jihadist back from Syria, “ arrested in August last “, made “ a generic threat ” rooms for shows, “ it did not cite in particular rooms and has cited no case Bataclan .” “ In the same way no suspect had been planning stage to the Brasserie, the restaurant Little Cambodia or the Stade de France “, the minister added.

I did not see any notes indicating a particular threat to the Bataclan or a particular room. Bernard Cazeneuve

You can not place a permanent squad of a quick reaction force (…) in front of each place open to the public ” the Minister concluded.


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