Christian Estrosi, has, long since, his habits at the restaurant The Small House, Nice – Mr. Frénois / ANP / 20 Minutes

The bill, “restaurants” is it too salty in the accounts of the Paca region ? In its edition of Wednesday, Le Canard enchaîné points in any case “the hearty envelope” that has passed this summer, the president of the community (LR) Christian Estrosi, to ” expense of the mouth “. Is 27.000 euro for the year 2016 in gourmet restaurants.

Published on the website of the regional Council, the ” delegation of powers to the president of the regional council “, reviewed on June 24 last, provides the estimated budget in the ten institutions of the “repository of restaurants for the year 2016 at the destination of the elect and their guests on the occasion of a meal of”regional interest’ “.

A € 63 bouillabaisse on the Old Port of Marseille

Four in Marseille, three other Nice (including the restaurant of the lycée hôtelier Paul Augier), a Gap, an in Digne-les-Bains, and one in Paris.

” They are actually account with us. It sends the bills. They come from time to time, but they don’t eat much “, smiles Christian Buffa, the owner of the Miramar, on the Vieux-Port of Marseille. In this gastronomic restaurant in marseille, where the region has provided up to 5,000 euros of additions, the “real” bouillabaisse ” is displayed at 63 euros, as noted by Le Canard enchaîné.

The regional council has also set his sights, with a budget of 3,000 euros, on The Little House, at the entrance of the Old Nice. A facility is upscale and select where Christian Estrosi, before the mayor of Nice, has long habits.

” It is of maximum amounts “, specifies the region

In the entourage of the president of the regional community, we marvelled on Wednesday : “It is a question of procedures, very classic indicating of the maximum amounts, which are roughly similar to those of the previous administration “.

According to figures provided by the regional council, to date, the expense of the mouth of the elect, cumulated since the beginning of the year, would amount to 2.542 euros. “With the expenses of some senior officials of the community, we are at a little over 3,900 euros in total, while we are already at the end of September,” it said-it is also on the side of the region.

And what about the choice top of the range of these institutions ? The institution is, in substance, that it fits to the aura of these guests that she would like to see invest in the region. “These meals were held in the presence of the boss of Cisco [a giant us computer] or chinese investors. “

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