Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Nomura sees the incident of the Galaxy Note 7 boost iPhone sales – The Factory Digital

The misfortune of Samsung is the delight of Apple. According to Nomura, the battery problem of Galaxy Note 7, the latest smartphone flagship of the Korean electronics giant, will take the firm to the apple. It is one of the factors leading the bank’s business in japan to revise upwards its forecast for sales of iPhone, as had been done previously Credit Suisse.

20 days to deliver the iPhone 7

prior to that, she provided for deliveries of 75 million units in the fourth quarter of 2016 and $ 230 million for the fiscal year 2017 to close the end of September 2017. Now, she table, respectively, on figures of 78 million and 234 million units.

other favourable factors explain this upward revision. First, the signals from mobile operators in the United States, Japan and Great Britain. They were overwhelmed by orders for the iPhone 7 up to four times higher than those of the iPhone 6 or the iPhone 6S during its launch. Result : the delivery times have lengthened to an average of 20 days. Then, the signals from component suppliers to Apple in Japan and Taiwan. They are now waiting for orders greater than expected.

Extending the user base of 35%

For Nomura, the strength of the demand depends only partly on the smartphone itself. The iPhone 7 brings to technical upgrades minor compared to the iPhone 6S. But this new generation comes on a base of users 35% more important than at the launch of the iPhone 6. It is as much of potential customers in addition to the renewal of their terminal.

based on the information from mobile operators across the Atlantic, the bank notes that the renewal rate fell to 6% during the first half of 2016 with the iPhone 6S, is climbing back up to 9%. With the iPhone 7, it is seen fleurter with 10%, the rate generated by the lancemcent of the iPhone 6.

Increase in sales during fiscal year 2017

Nomura now considers that the sales of Apple will fall from 7% to 215,5 billion during the fiscal year 2016 and climb to 8% (and not a decrease of 4% as previously planned) to 232,8 billion dollars in fiscal year 2017, almost as much as the record sales of fiscal year 2015.


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