Thursday, July 23, 2015

Taylor Swift apologizes after a rare false note in his … – The Point – The Point

The American singer Taylor Swift, who closely monitors its communication and its smooth star image and perfect, apologized on Twitter Thursday after quarreled with rapper Nicki Minaj who deplored his multiple nominations at the MTV Video Music Awards.

Nicki Minaj has to indignant that the first clip of her song “Anaconda” was not named among the best videos of the year, suggesting that the music industry was biased because she was black and he preferred women “with a very thin body. “

Taylor Swift topped the nominations Tuesday for the MTV awards that will be presented on August 30, felt and has referred in response invited to go on stage with her in case of victory.

“I have done nothing more than to love you and support you. It’s not like you to go up against another woman,” tweeted . Swift, who is as feminist

But two days after mini-confrontation on social networks, Taylor Swift has split a tweet excuses: “I thought I was referred I misunderstood and misspoke. Nicki I’m sorry “, she regretted to its over 60 million subscribers.

Nicki Minaj, who had called perplexed after the initial response from Taylor Swift, appeared to accept graciously excuses his blonde colleague: “This means so much to me Taylor, thank you,” she replied in a message accompanied by three large red hearts

In a tweet a few minutes later. Nicki Minaj, which accounts for its share almost 20 million followers, added about Taylor Swift: “I have always appreciated. Everybody makes mistakes. She won a lot of respect from me, now forget it. “

The awkward updates from Taylor Swift had also triggered an ironic reaction Katy Perry, another popular singer who has a record 73 million subscribers on Twitter: “I find it ironic to brandish the argument of a woman mounted against another while taking advantage of lowering without embarrassment of a woman,” she wrote

. two singers are not the best friends in the world but their enmity had rarely broke at this point to light

7/23/2015 7:37:22 p.m. -. New York (AFP) – © 2015 AFP


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