Monday, July 20, 2015

Selena Gomez: what note for his physical between 1 and 10? She … – PureBreak




         Selena Gomez: what note for his physical between 1 and 10 She answers?

No need to try to deny it. We all, men and women, at least once note someone physically on a scale of 1 to 10. This weekend at the microphone of a US radio, Selena Gomez lent itself to this game. singer who recently lost a lot of weight was self-recorded. And his answer may surprise you!

Selena Gomez complexed?

Selena Gomez dream of millions of men and women around the world. In his latest video Good for you, the singer came out all its assets or seduction posed for a sexy photo shoot in transparent swimsuit. Yet the pretty brunette who just come out of an express diet is not so comfortable with her body. In the interview for 103.3 AMP Radio in Boston, Selena Gomez has agreed to give a note to his physique.

“My physique? I give 6″

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much the ex Justin Bieber finds his physical? “ I will say that for a first date, I can be at 9. But in the life of every day, I feel more a 6 or 7 “. A note to barely above average with which TJ Show facilitator was not really agree, leaning instead for a 9.75! And you, how much you give to Selena Gomez 10?


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