Monday, July 13, 2015

A first course and a good note – Le Parisien

Arnaud Hermant | 13 Jul 2015, 7:00 |. Update: 13 Jul 2015, 5:35

Laa an der Thaya (Austria), on Friday.. Maxwell, Thiago Motta and Lucas (left to right) concluded their training camp in fine style, although the Italian international Thiago Motta, did not participate in a friendly match and was allowed to leave his partner a little earlier.
Illustration. (Presse Sports / Laurent Argueyrolles.)

The records from 2015 to 2016 that will hold PSG won (3-0) its first game of the season. This game against Wiener Sportklub, a Vienna club today 3 th Division, ended in the best ways mini five-day course in Austria.

Back on the first phase of the Parisian summer preparation, which saw the Ambassador of Qatar in the country come to attend one of PSG training before two days of rest and the starting Wednesday for the American tour (July 15, the 1 st August).

Trapp, a first worry. The new Paris rookie played 68 minutes before being replaced by Mike Maignan (Douchez slightly hit in the knee). If the old porter Frankfurt has been no real stop to make, he showed he was skilful at foot. And it is positioned high enough on the field, in the tradition of German guards, in the image of Neuer. “I liked his style of play and his game, welcomed Laurent Blanc. It will take more time to judge, but adaptation is going well. “The 25 year old German already unanimously in the Paris cloakroom. “He quickly adapted, confirms Serge Aurier. I learned a few words before the game as it comes for us to communicate easily. We want to help them progress in French. “The club will officially present Kevin Trapp to the press this afternoon.

White and babysitting. Since the resumption on Monday, Laurent Blanc has repeatedly regretted, even if he has the habit of not having its full complement. And the coach has sometimes had the feeling of being “baby-sitting” according to its expression. In the technical staff, it was also felt further prepare the reservation that the first team of PSG. To compose the group of twenty elements for Austria, White and his deputies have extensively delved into the training center. And especially among U 17. If the difference in commitment and working capacity was regretted by the staff at the beginning, in the end, White was satisfied internship and its youth. “We had an important job to be done, it was done and done well, has he rejoiced yesterday. Young people were very good. “

Motta spared and allowed to leave early. Thiago Motta is the only player part of the course that has not played a single minute of the friendly. It was made to the trial run and also given a map preparation during these few days. The Italian international has even been authorized by its leaders not to go with its partners. He left shortly before the end of the match for Vienna Airport, where he returned to Barcelona two days of rest in family before the United States.


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