Sunday, April 20, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 4: It might look like YOUM – Fredzone

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Samsung Galaxy Note 4 will not be presented before the end of August, but it is some time it does about him. Since the beginning of the year, or perhaps even earlier. Recently, the vice-president of the South Korean firm has even dropped a huge bombshell by saying that the next version of the phablette benefit of a unique design. Needless to say that speculation is rife since. And just imagine that some specialty sites even think that Note 4 could approach, or at least look like a concept exploiting YOUM technology , a concept that was introduced at CES 2013. Quite a program, in fact.

The YOUM is not a range, it is not a terminal and is actually a flexible screen technology. Every year at CES, Samsung introduced its advanced and sometimes even a prototype. He had done during the 2013 edition of the show and some of you may remember this funny smartphone with a current up to its borders screen. If this is not the case, then you can refer to this article.

 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 YOUM

The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 he will benefit from the technology YOUM?

Samsung might be tempted to use this technology in the design of the Galaxy Note 4 and a lot of people think so that it could incorporate screen consists of three separate sections , a screen extending to edges of the device. All with a few optimizations software order history to fully exploit this configuration. The firm would even remove physical buttons in these areas for the benefit of tactile controls providing more interactions.

Surprising? Not so much as a rumor actually since the beginning of the year, and more specifically since January. That said, it seems to do it more and more followers over time. And while we’re at, know that it is also the question Note 4 carries smarter stylus , a stylus that would even be able to act as a handsfree kit. If you want to know more about it, I refer you to this post

Via – Photo credits:. Alan Ng

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