Below, the full patch notes in French this new update.
for VO, it is here.
Good game
Jubilee of Queen
A celebration will begin with the divine Promontory to commemorate ten years of the reign of Queen Jennah ! For the occasion, it has commissioned a new gladiatorial arena, the Pavilion of the Crown. This arena is a shining symbol of the endurance of its people. Hot air ballooning with dignitaries from all over Tyria, and be present at the opening ceremony. Take part in the festivities and participate in a ceremonial battle in honor of His Majesty
- court of Queen sent balloons to transport participants to the party! Search balloon towers scattered throughout Tyria.
- Climb to the top of the towers and pick a royal gift before embarking on the divine Promontory.
- Beware any new dynamic events: Hot air balloon pilots may need help to keep things running smoothly
- Remember balloon will be offered to players who have enough festive spirit to visit thirty laps.
Pavilion Crown
Challenge Queen
- arts district divine Promontory which was destroyed by the Great Collapse was rebuilt and now houses the Crown Pavilion, a large arena that will host the biggest events of the entire Kryta.
- Join the Challenge queen and battle enemies of humanity’s most powerful and evil.
- Visit envoys of the six major nations of Tyria. A set of unique advantages improving the discovery of magic and combat stats will be available for those who wish to represent the emissaries.
- Win mechanical gears, new trophies from mechanical sentries, and use them to purchase rewards emissaries. These awards include:
- new weapon sets the sovereign
- new crafting recipes for runes and seals
- sets of cultural weapons
Opening Ceremony
- Accept challenges more difficult in single combat against a variety of unique boss.
- Try your luck with disabilities, alterations to win more prestigious awards.
- Each input and disability cost a ticket Challenge queen. Tickets are regularly found on the creatures of the Crown and Pavilion throughout the world. Players can also buy tickets to the emissaries in the Pavilion of the Crown.
- Attend the opening of the Pavilion of the Crown in a new instance of the living world scenario where you will meet familiar faces like those of Queen Jennah, Logan Thackeray, Countess Anise mode the Lord Faren, Rox and Braham.
- According to rumors, the queen seek volunteers for the inaugural contest against mechanical sentries. It goes without saying that you should go there
- Step into the instanced area by visiting the Pavilion Crown for the first time.
Lanterns Krytan
- Find torchbearers located around the divine Promontory to activate a special race in limited time during which you need to turn several lanterns around the city.
- Complete four races to win the torches Flames Kryta a permanent object that can be used to illuminate the path of the player in the dark.
Booty exotic
- rotation success of Living World has been added to the category daily success.
- Complete meta-success of Queen’s Jubilee offer the player a mini-sentry mechanical reward. For this meta-success, players must successfully complete 18 of the Jubilee of Queen category or daily successes with the jubilee.
- Participate in Golden Jubilee gives a chance to recover exotic recipe mechanical portal as booty.
- This recipe needs to be Artificer level 400. 5 Orichalcum ingots, 1 Crystal harmonization master, 1 Charged Lodestone and 75 mechanical gears are required.
- mechanical portal is a single-use consumable that allows the player to create a portal between two points. It can not be used with a portal Spellbinder
World against World
- Control of supply was added to the tab and ranking capabilities.
- collecting supplies is now instantaneous.
- Gain Speed ??when all supply is spent.
- gain speed messenger and 50% increase in movement speed after picking up supplies.
- Ability to recover after refueling spent.
- sites deployed headquarters grant three seconds of invulnerability.
- players now have a new portfolio that is in the Hero panel. All currencies are a character in the portfolio when the player connects with this character. Players must connect with all of their characters for all currencies are transferred.
- All currencies are now linked to the account.
Booty ChampionsImproved display effects
- champions now provide containers according to their families. These containers contain parts, skill points, crafting materials, weapons and armor, and sometimes appearances unique weapon according to the family of champion. This also applies to all legendary creatures.
- “Overcoming Claw Jormag” champions of this event give more loot
- Citadel Flame – Ferah: Blaclan Dentdefeu is now a veteran and not a champion
Alterations of the world
- In the open world, dungeons, PvP and McM, the new effects of the selective display system will slowly reduce the details of each effect to increase visibility when fighting different types of effects overlap.
- Nobles ghosts: decreased damage symbol created by their skill stride shadow
Changes rewards dungeonsprofession skills
- all boss gives more gold directly.
- All roads dungeon exploration fashion now give between 1 and 3 gold coins along the path. It is a daily reward based on the account.
- All dungeons scenario now give 50 pieces of silver once completed. It is a daily reward based on the account.
- ascaloniennes Catacombs – The plan Hodgins: it will not be possible to interact with the sarcophagus Kendrick before “Digging the secret room in search of the scepter” is enabled
- ascaloniennes Catacombs – The Hodgins Plan “Protect Hodgins destroying burrows Sépulturiens” will not be activated before the end of “Defeat the Spider Queen”
- ascaloniennes Catacombs – The Hodgins Plan “pieces scepter Find” will not be activated before the end of “Helping Hodgins find the first scepter”
- ascaloniennes Catacombs – The Plan Hodgins: “Protecting against the Detha Sépulturiens” will not be activated before the end of “Defeat the Spider Queen”
- ascaloniennes Catacombs – The plan Tzark: “Protecting collectors essence” will not be activated before the end of “Defeat the Spider Queen”
- Manor Caudecus – I’ll get the Seraphim: Mad Martha will not become hostile before activating “Submerge defenses bandits”
- Manor Caudecus – I’ll get the Seraphim: “Search the captured Sergeant” will not be activated before the end of “Place barrels of powder near the door blocked”
- Manor Caudecus – I’ll help you find the butler: “Find missing home” will not be activated before the end of “Destroy turrets bandit”
- Citadel Flame – Ferah: “Entering the Cave blood” will not be activated before the end of “Finding a way to get into the Hall of Kindling”
- Citadel Flame – Maggie: “Find a way to enter the ritual room” will not be activated before the end of “Jump in the ritual room”
- Honor waves – The Butcher: “Overcoming the servant of the Ice Dragon to continue” will not be activated before the door leading to it has been open
- Honor waves – the robber: “Beating Son Svanir corrupt” will not be activated before the end of “Stop vandals Svanir”
- Honor waves – The Devout: Goliath Frostbrood and guards can not be challenged before the door leading to them has been opened
- Honor waves – The Devotee: “Overcoming Svánigandr, the disciple of Sorge” will not be activated before the door leading to it has been open
- Crucible of Eternity – All roads: Mark T B34RC3 can not be attacked before enabling “Disable enhanced golem”
- Crucible of Eternity – Teleporter: “Overcoming envelope evolved” does not take effect until the end of “Kill Subject Alpha” and after the path selection “Teleporter”
- Crucible of Eternity – Main door: “Overcoming the laboratory specimen” does not take effect until the end of “Kill Subject Alpha” and after the path selection “Main Door”
- Reaper Grenth: This skill can now be used in motion. His description now indicates that the power is impossible to block.
- Prayer Lyssa: Fixed a bug allowing Lyssa confer more benefits or a change
- skill set sign displays an animation over the heads of the players to show that they have been activated.
- Tornado: Add a description of the duration of the skill. This skill can now be used while moving.
- Glyph of Renewal: improved display of competence for the enemies clearly see when the players throw
- magnetic Reinforcement: it is now possible to block this skill
- sign Mastery: This ability now correctly reduces the cooldown of sign restoration PvP
- Arcane Power: Improving provided when activating this skill now displays the correct number of remaining charges
- Vengeance Arcane: increased duration to 30 seconds for consistency with Arcane Power. The improvement provided when activating this skill now displays the correct number of remaining charges.
- Arcane Shield: added improvement in the description of this skill. The improvement provided when activating this skill now displays the correct number of remaining charges.
- final protection: improvement provided when activating this ability now displays the correct number of remaining charges
- packaged Stimulants: This ability will now properly increases the duration of the benefits provided by the skill Throw stimulant medical kit instead of reducing the cooldown
- Elixir X: the description of this skill is correctly displayed under water
- Mortar – Mortar Fire: Fixed a bug that increased the cooldown of this skill when the ability Provisions elite was active
- Smite Healer: Fixed a bug that allowed this ability to give more than expected Retaliation with Healing Breeze
- Sword of Justice – Control: Adding scope in the skill description
- Sword of Justice: Removing the scope in the skill description in the invocation
- Arc of truth suppression of reach in the skill description in the invocation
- Hammer wisdom suppression of reach in the skill description in the invocation
- Hammer wisdom – Control: Updated the description of the scope to better reflect the scope of the jurisdiction
- Avenger’s Shield: removed the scope in the skill description in the invocation
- tape purification: Fixed a bug that allowed projectiles to hit targets beyond the maximum range set
- Virtue of Justice: the radius of effect is now included in the description
- Vertu resolution: the radius of effect is now included in the description
- virtue of courage: the radius of effect is now included in the description
- Shield anger: the improvement provided when activating this skill now displays the correct number of remaining charges
- Bedknife: the projectile and the size of the effect is larger, the speed was doubled
- Duelist spooky: the scope of this skill is increased by Discipline duelist. Fixed a bug allowing the duelist to be launched at a range of 1200 at any time.
- Illusion of life: updating the animation and the effects of this skill to make it easier to see when it is launched in combat. The duration and effectiveness remain unchanged.
- Moa polymorphic use this skill with a swordfish should now trigger the animation
- Sailing: this skill now acts as a light field, as shown in the description
- Sol foul: the radius of effect is now included in the description
- blood: the radius of effect is now included in the description
- Lament fatal: increase the spell effect to better match its area of ??effect
- Channels contaminated: the tooltip on the damage of this skill now displays the correct damage
- Ruin: Added a visual effect on the necromancer when using this skill
- Footprint of the Reaper: this skill now has a separate animation of other skills impressions stick for easy readability at the launch of this spell. The duration and effectiveness remain unchanged.
- Summon Skeleton / Rigor Mortis demon adding a description of the scope of these skills
- Reaper’s Touch: The skill description now displays the appropriate length of Regeneration
- Purple Wave: Fixed a bug that allowed this authority to ignore the visual field
- Entanglement: Update descriptions of damage and immobilization so that they display the actual number of pulses
- sharpener stone counters are more down to every attack made, but only inflicted with each attack, dodged, missed (because of Blindness) or blocked. The improvement provided when this ability is activated now displays the correct number of remaining charges.
- Vif thrusting: the improvement provided when activating this skill now displays the correct number of remaining charges
- Precise Strikes: This ability now works with no remorse
- Assault in the Shadows: Fixed a bug that gave this power greater than expected range. The range now matches the description.
- sign of the assassin: the improvement provided when activating this skill now displays the correct number of remaining charges
- Nine Tail Strike: update the description of this skill
- Defeat hidden: Fixed a bug that gave this ability a longer than expected cooldown
- Venom basil: the improvement provided when activating this skill now displays the correct number of remaining charges
- Venom Eater: the improvement provided when activating this skill now displays the correct number of remaining charges
- Venom drake Ice: the improvement provided when activating this skill now displays the correct number of remaining charges
- Venom scaly: the improvement provided when activating this skill now displays the correct number of remaining charges
- Venom Spider: improving provided when activating this skill now displays the correct number of remaining charges
player against player structured
- sign of power: the improvement provided when activating this skill now displays the correct number of remaining charges
- Backlash: this skill correctly relaunches its cooldown with the ability mass glowing when the player hits an enemy after a crash
World against World
- Remove the tournament window.
- Adding a tab to the Arena PvP window.
- Replacing “ranked matches” with “Arena team.” Rankings remain the same.
- Adding a solo Arena. The entry in the queue is only possible for players only, rankings will be different from the existing team in Arena.
- Moving the custom in the PvP arena browser window.
- Adding a “Quit” button to play PvP.
- PvP parts can now be reached from anywhere in the game, including outside of the Mists.
Exit returns
- PvP players in their last non-instanced place.
- Viewers can now see the currently selected target followed by the player, rather than see their target auto-attack.
- Leave a ranked arena game is punished by the debuff without honor. Each load without honor has a duration of 72 hours. If a player reaches the maximum number of charges Without Honor (5 charges), he can not join in ranked games.
- players in the parts arena can not change character after the beginning of the game.
- Adding a tab Coup de grace in the Hero panel. Use this tab to select and activate a coup de grace.
- knockouts can now be unlocked permanently or for a limited number of uses.
- Use an object knockout now adds 5 uses knockout bound. Each use of a knockout is consumed if the player manages to make his move on an enemy land.
- Use a knockout unlocked permanently consumes no use. Players can switch knockouts unlocked at any time out of combat.
- knockouts rank are now unlocked permanently and automatically when players get a new rank in PvP. Chests reward rank not contain objects knockout.
- update the animation of the progress of capture points for all cards.
- Heart of the Mists: replacement of two training golems by indestructible golems training
- Hammer heavenly: the gun can not be reconfigured when the player is under the effect of Stealth or is invulnerable
- Celestial Hammer: update some camera positions for spectators
- Temple of the Silent Storm: increased recharge Meditation ferocity of 2 to 4 minutes and increase the time from 45 seconds to 2 minutes
- events taking and defense of the castle are now events in groups with monthly success.
New items and promotions
- royal pass gives you access to the Royal Terrace, personal shopping area of ??the queen divine Promontory. This area offers easy access to crafts, merchants, banks, recreation and many other things. Passes are valid for two weeks and are available in the category of consumables for 300 gems
- new appearances headphones are available for purchase to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee: Mask of the crown, mask and mask Jubilee of the Queen. These combat armor appearances are suitable for any weight class and available in the Style category for 400 gems unit.
- Players can now buy with permanent strokes used in PvP and McM and select the content throughout the game you can change blow at any time after purchasing the shots thanks to the cow, baoum giant, thorny and / or spectrum in the “improvements.”
- appearances étherlame weapon are no longer in season and now cost 5billets weapon Black Lion in a weapons specialist of the Black Lion.

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