Zicophone, an association that holds the note
The ordinary general meeting of Zicophone held Wednesday, May 6 in the Hall of Claude-Albinet associations. The president of this young association Jean-Philippe Emard thanked the assistance of his presence, strong twenties of its members. The association is currently awaiting allocation subsidy notifications. After reading the activity report, it was adopted unanimously. An open discussion on the modalities of financing of the association. The financial report was adopted unanimously. The current rates of the association are renewed for the 2015-2016 season: € 20 membership, during 1 hour of group € 190 / year during 30 minutes Instrument € 380 / year during 30 mn + 1 instrument h group € 480 / year. Reps: 2 hours € 20, € 35 1/2 day, 1 day € 65. For projects, the association will participate in the Association Forum in September, the hours of operation for Season 2 are set according to the availability of teachers, new partnerships are sought. A late season lunch will be held after the feast of music. The resigning office was completely renewed: President Chantal Plantecoste Secretary Hugues Devault, Deputy Secretary Gilles Daunan, Christelle Maziéraud Treasurer. The new president stated in his speech that this young organization is a unique combination in the Mézinais and around as it relates to oral music teaching and favors the working group and invites beginners musicians to join her. To end on a good note, the celebratory drink was shared by the meeting.
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